
Topic: Taglines/Names

Request For A Slogan For Eid Promotion

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Dear Marketing Gurus!

We are a bakery, one of our major products is doughnuts. We have started doing business about a couple of years ago here in a country where people aren't really aware of what doughnuts are.

The most important time of the year for us in terms of sales is Eid, it is basically like Christmas for muslims. Last year our slogan for Eid promotion was "A new tradition" - this was very well received and we did record breaking sales last Eid. That slogan basically converted a lot of traditional sweet buyers in to buying doughnuts last year.

This year also we need to plant the idea that doughnuts are a better / cooler / more delicious alternative to the conventional sweets available in the country. People are however more aware now of us and the product so we obviously can not repeat last years slogan.

Should be short and sweet.

Any help will be highly appreciated!!

Looking forward to your responses.

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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You may be discounting the value of the slogan from last year too quickly. There are still lots of potential customers who have not tried this "new tradition," and for them the slogan that worked so well last year may very well work for you this year. It's only "old news" for those who bought last year, and if they liked the product, they'll be back anyway.

    I'd keep the slogan that worked. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
  • Posted on Author
    Appreciate your comments and I will put this forward for consideration to the Management. However, I would love some ideas to take it one step ahead of what we did last year. I was hoping for something fun maybe - something better than "A new tradition".

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Continue The New Tradition
    Love A New Tradition
    Enjoy A New Tradition
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Jay.

    I guess I shouldn't have mentioned last years slogan :)

    I am looking for something new and refreshing this year.

    Any more suggestions would be highly appreciated!

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks all for your suggestions. Especially Jazzy_jewels for your lovely ideas!



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