
Topic: Taglines/Names

I Need A Tagline To Differentiate Me As A Realtor

Posted by jafsons on 500 Points
I have been trying to come out with a tagline that will be able to give me branding as well as make people remember me as the Realtor above the rest. So far to no avail.

Anyone can help?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    The best tagline for differentiating yourself is one that expresses the unique and important benefit you offer your primary target audience.

    So what is that? Who is your prime target audience? What makes you different from, and better than, your competitors? Why should someone in your target audience come to you?

  • Posted by jafsons on Author
    I want people to know that I provide a personal touch and go the extra mile for them.

    Helping them make informed decisions on their real estate investments to avoid costly mistakes.

    My target audience will be real estate investors, sellers, buyers and tenants.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    The target audience is way too broad. You can't possibly serve that market. You'd be much better served narrowing your focus and doing a really good job with one segment. And you probably want to limit yourself geographically, since real estate is essentially local. (If you're in Singapore, you probably don't want to look for clients from Barcelona. Etc.)

    As for benefits, "personal touch" and "going the extra mile" are features and they are hardly unique. Every realtor promises those ... and some even deliver on the promise.

    What emotional benefit will your clients realize? Will they have more confidence in their transaction? Will they feel better about their selection of a real estate agent? What's in it for them to choose you? (This will get easier when you narrow the focus, of course.)

    Did you grow up in the city where your clients live? Do you know the market like the back of your hand, so you can find opportunities others would miss? Are you a successful investor yourself? Have you personally seen every single condominium unit on the market? Surely there's something that makes you different from, and better than, competition for one of the segments you hope to serve.
  • Posted by jafsons on Author
    Thanks for the feedback, goodman.

    I only serve in 1 district which I have be living in for the last 35 years.

    Conveying the tagline to deliver these messages is the big challenge.

    My clients get the peace of mind in knowing that they have made an informed decision by engaging me.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Then let's focus on your knowledge of that one district and develop a tagline that focuses on your intimate familiarity with that district. THAT would be the basis for clear differentiation. (What's the district name?)

    Are you mostly targeting commercial or residential? Investors or residents? Condominiums/apartments, commercial buildings or single-family homes? Let's see if we can really zero in on your sweet spot.

    And are your ideal clients families, retirees, professional business people, singles, other?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    The 12345 Expert (replace 12345 with your postal code or district code)
    Singapore's (Trusted) Condo King
  • Posted by michael on Member

    This is one of THE most asked questions and, since tag lines are not normally copywrited, you can search thru previous answers.

    The problem is the same with every business tho. Saying something doesn't prove it because everyone, even the cheats & liars, can say the same thing. This is particularly true when someone is moving INTO your area. If they're just moving around the area, they may already know you.

    "First hand experience means first class service"

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    I agree with the others. Trying to get a tag line that says "I want people to know that I provide a personal touch and go the extra mile for them" won't likely be that useful, as every Realtor says this. But saying that you are the expert for a certain area, and better yet, a certain type of property within this area, would be much more useful. I know quite a few Realtors, and the only one that has a tag line that i can remember is the one who focuses on Eichler Properties (a specific type of property in this area).
  • Posted on Accepted
    Property is a high "involvement" decision to speak in technical terms. Hence anyway before choosing a feature or an emotion to convey in tagline, make sure that it is in line with the benefit you are giving. That benefit still is however not coming out clearly. It doesnt need to be unique. Assuming you knowing the area is the benefit then all you need to do is make most noise about that point.

    Why a tagline only though is a decision you might want to review.reasons are that all your communication needs to be in sync with the core message. So tag line is probably secondary to that. However that is a decision of which you are to be the sole judge.

    In case you still want a TAGLINE here are some suggestions:-

    XYZ Realtors: Realty based on knowledge

    XYZ Realtors: where realty is just a medium to know you better

    XYZ Realtors: Realty backed by reality , relationships backed by loyalty

    XYZ Realors: where trust is the basis and realty is the outcome!
  • Posted on Accepted
    I'm going to save the marketing lesson and give you some taglines to consider. I've posted a question looking for taglines for a community bank - I was given "advise" but no tagline which is what I asked for- so, with that said, here's what I found catchy:
    my Favorite, and one I think would be successful in a print ad (realty magazine, billboard) is this written just as I have it typed:

    35 Years of Real(ty) Results.

    or if you want to narrow the focus, add the zip code:
    35 Years of Real(ty) Results for 12345.

    Other ideas are:
    Jafsons Realty. A Realtor with Real results.
    XYZ's Realtor with real results.
    Get results with Jafson's Realty.
    Again, my favorite is: 35 Years of Real(ty) Results.
    I think that would look really cool on a solid white billboard with this in big font across the middle and your name in the corner...or in a simple print ad. It's simple and it's to the point. BEST OF LUCK!
  • Posted by jafsons on Author
    Thank you all..

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