
Topic: Taglines/Names

Catchy Name & Tagline For A Online Gift Shop

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
please suggest a trendy and catch name and tag line for a online gift shop.
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Forget trendy and catchy: you need relevance for your ideal buyer. As you've given no indication as to what you sell, or to whom, your question is impossible to answer.
    Give us more information: what do you sell, to whom, how frequently, at what price point, where, in what niche?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Who is the primary target audience? How are they going to find you? Why should they buy from you and not one of the other thousands of sites that sell gifts online? What makes you different from, and better than, your competition?

    Forget trendy and catchy. Communicate something meaningful instead.
  • Posted on Author

    I have worked upon all the questions you have asked me but i can't reveal them here in this post as it's a business secret. Im not just opening something on web with out doing market research.

    The online store will have all gifts for any audience kids, youngsters, families, etc. and also everything will be available on the store including retail, flowers, toys, dinner at restaurant.

    The name what I was looking for is also something meaning and should be something which we use daily. so that it can add value and market as well.

    if you can help me in choosing a brand name I would be thankful or even not thanks for your concern.

    Thanks again
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    A business secret? At some point it won't be a secret, will it?

    As for everything being available to everyone ... even dinner at restaurant ... are you sure you want to be this wide with your niche? You might want to rethink this.

    Sadly, names (with meaning or otherwise) seldom add value. Benefits add value. Solutions add value. Rarely do names add value ... or at least, not in my experience. Perhaps I'm missing something.

    You also need to know that you won't have a brand name until AFTER you've created a crowd of regular, eager buyers. You'll only create this crowd by meeting their needs and by serving their long-term, desired outcomes. Until then, you'll have a name, but not a brand.

    Here, I make no apology for being picky because there's an important distinction—and a vital process that MUST be gone through—between a "name" and a "brand" that you (and many other business owners) need to see for the sake of long term growth and success. Fail to make the connection and you fail to fuel brand development and hence, brand growth ... which in many senses is more of a viral process than it is a manufacturable one.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Everyday Gifts

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