
Topic: Taglines/Names

Market Testing Techniques For Tag Line

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are in the tag line development process and have three that we want to test on some of our constituent groups (internal) and also to the external market.
I am looking for examples or templates of survey questions/focus group questions that others have used in the past that have worked. Suggestions?
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    When working with the internal group it is important to keep the very vocal from influencing the rest. Here is a method that I used to keep this from happening.
    Give each person 5 votes. Tell them to vote secretly for their choice of 4) categories: 1) first 2) second 3) third place and 4) none of the above.
    Allow for voting without explanation as to how to split the votes. If you have a substancial number of none of the above votes... you should rework..
    Hope this helps..
    Frank Hurtte

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