
Topic: Taglines/Names

Cheerleader Gym Needs Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Help oh Wise ones!!!

I have a competitive cheerleading group and we have been invited to have a booth at our local Sports Show this weekend! Having only attended Trade shows for the Collision Repair industry, I am at a loss what to do other than the usual stuff - videos, trophies, pretty girls in short skirts, and food.... so I am looking for something catchy I can print real big and put on the wall to further interest people in our program for their children.

Any ideas (of the clean nature) promoting the positive life experiences of All-Star cheerleading and team play, I'm all ears!
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  • Posted on Accepted
    My daughter is involved in competitive cheerleading also.
    I would like to know the name of your team. Ours is Cheer Dynamics

    I would emphasize safety. As you know their is a high injury rate and safety is an important issue for parents.

    Also, emphasize the physical and social benefits of being part of a specialized cheer group.

    I would get use of a laptop and display through a powerpoint presentation practices, competitions, and bring all trophies the team has won and put them out for display.

    I would also have the cheerleaders in uniform to interact with other girls who want to join.

    Hope this helps!
  • Posted by michael on Member
    My daughter also cheers in High school. They have a shirt that says:

    "Without us, it's only a game"

  • Posted on Member
    "Helping 'em win!"
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    Cheering for a Successful Life...

    The kids will automatically want to sign up.. the cheering for a successful life implies something beyond childhood for the parents...

  • Posted on Member
    What about ....

    "Spreading Good Cheer"

    "Leading with Cheer"

    "Something to Cheer About"

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