
Topic: Taglines/Names

A Cool Name For My Clothing Business???

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi there,

I am currently in the process of getting my clothing business underway.

We retail street and urbanwear clothing online. The site is soon to be built but i need a great name for the business.

My customer is male and female, age 16-40. Most will be around 18-28 yrs old.

I will be selling branded street brands in the UK market (see but also want to sell designer jeans e.g. diesel, miss sixty, rock and republic.

It's for your classy, cool chic and your young, hip and street guys and gals. They generally like to go clubbing, listen to r and b, hip hop, drum and bass and garage music. They are generally influenced by American culture.

Any ideas? I came up with 'hypnotic' but i'm not sure.

Thanx !!
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  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Here are a few quick names with my reasoning.

    2ndSkin (Implies these clothes are always on)

    Next of Skin (Related by choice)

    Bumper 2 Bumper aka B2B (Dance togs with vehicle ref)

    Back Beat aka BB (Music undertones)

    HeadSpin (Clothes that cause a 2nd look)


  • Posted by TILO on Accepted
    How about these for a few ideas. I have a tendency to go for a short clean name:

    The Zone
    Urban (I liked this from your login)
    The Place
    Slim Shady (had to slip in Eminem.. )


  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    The Union Jack Tribe

    The Street Beat...
  • Posted on Accepted
    You'll need something different.

    1. Blah!
    2. Ket
    3. Juzz

    anything not out of the english dictionary will be unique

    or use your last name if it sounds cool

  • Posted on Accepted
    On the Level
    Perfect Impressions

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