
Topic: Taglines/Names

P&c Insurance Agency

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
I like the name "Solace Insurance" for my new Insurance agency due to:

What is insurance? Something that you use when something bad has happened. That is the exact definition of Solace. (example from

n 1: the comfort you feel when consoled in times of disappointment;
2: comfort in disappointment or misery [syn: solacement]
3: the act of consoling; giving relief in affliction; "his presence
was a consolation to her" [syn: consolation, comfort] v : give moral
or emotional strength to [syn: comfort, soothe, console]

Tag line can be "Here for when you need us" or something denoting that you are there to help.

I also like the name Guardian or something tied with Guardian, due to Guardian Life already known out in the insurance field.

First of all, what is the opinion of these names by themselves, with another word, or something different.

Need some help on the name/tagline if I'm going with either of these names!!!!

I just read the book, "Why Johnny can't Brand" by Bill Schley.

Bill states to be successful in today's competitive brand world, I will need the following:

1) Be Superlative- signaling #1
2) Be Important-something that matters
3) Be Believable- unique
4) Be Memorable-emotional feeling
5) Be Tangible-aligned with what I'm claiming to do

Can Solace or Guardian do this...or some other names,words,phrases do it better???

Looking for input.

Thank you!!!
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    I agree with your thoughts.. Guardian is not only already there but pretty well know, which may lead to issues down the road.
    A name tag line combination might be..
    Solace Insurance .. comfort in times of need..
    has a nice ring to it... you could add a little more..
    here are some examples..
    Family Solace Insurance.. comfort in times of need..
    Guaranteed Solace Ins..
    Financial Solace Ins..

    Hope this gets some discussion going
    Frank Hurtte

  • Posted by darcy.moen on Member
    Necessary Insurance....cause you just have to have it.

    It sounds as if you are seeking an identity as well as a mission statement. You are more than halfway there as you already have a good nucleus of your corporate philosophy centering on compassionate insurance needs.

    How about Big Heart insurance company? Nope, to whimsical...and when folks have a claim, the underwriter’s insurance adjusters will probably work against the brand anyway (I'm not a fan of adjusters).

    Sometimes I find it's a good exercise to sit down with a thesaurus and look up words that I think I could use to describe the business. Then, I'll do a goggle search for terms and phrases, and see what pops up. Sometimes you find the perfect name in some little known ancient Greek, roman, or Inuit phrase, term or word that suddenly just fits.

    This gives you a name that is different enough to allow you to register it, and it unknown enough that you can develop your brand, and it has a hidden meaning you can use to educate your customers...further building your brand.

    Really, the name, the mission’s all important, but it does not have to be etched in stone from day one. It takes years to build a brand, so, relax....this is white page, and upon it you scribe your history as you make it...take you time and don't rush into a name and a mission statement...get the name first, then build your mission statement and brand one day at a time.

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Building on you seeking an Unique identity which you can sculpt as you see fit, may I suggest something along the lines of Guardian with some Solace and Honesty thrown in for good measure.

    "The Angels’ Share" Assurance

    An Explanation of the Angels' Share concept.

    As you may know this is a result of the process of aging spirits...a crucial part of creating the product we are all hoping for, so no-one can begrudge the angels their share.

    The angels take a share of all whiskies during the maturation process. About 2% of the volume is lost in this way each year. This is not taxed by the government.

    The Boring Scientific Explanation
    The boffins tell us that the angels take their share by evaporation of the whisky as it matures.

    The natural breathability of the oak cask used to mature the whisky or wine is a crucial part of creating the product we are all hoping for, so no-one can begrudge the angels their share.

    Not being an Insurance type this implies to me (the client) that I get something back, peace of mind, protection at the very least and in a worse case scenario maybe more than I paid out if I have to collect.

    Next part....
    Assurance; freedom from doubt.
    British term for Insurance.

    There are Business Angels and Financial Angels or Patrons ... someone who supports or champions something for the beeterment of society ... why not 'sharing angels providing assurance'?

    ASA has interesting Logo possibilties and ASA is already known for it's prophylactic treatment regime in medicine.

    A little out there but a kinder gentler form of coverage for this new age.

    Hope this helps.

  • Posted by Bottom Line Guy on Member
    Just a idea to get you thinking from the perspective of what people really buy:

    You buy insurance for "Peace of Mind" -- to insure against the need to be comforted -- yes, one of those rare products you buy hoping not to use (like a cemetery plot?).

    If you like it work on the piece of mind angle:

    Piece of Mind Insurance
    -- securing your future against the unforeseen
    -- securing home, family and business
    -- personal and business security planners

    Hope this helps.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Palm 2 Palm, great imagery potential and can suggest contemporary Blue Tooth IT palm pilot speed of contact and problem salving.

    What is more personal and comforting than a handshake
    in business?

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