
Topic: Taglines/Names

Naming My Cake Business

Posted by Anonymous on 800 Points
Hi, I make really delicious fruitcakes and would like to start a business selling them but can't think of a good business name.
I like an English feel to my fruitcake business . I am selling them at $70-$100 each they are exclusive with brandy.
Any Ideas? Thank you
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Whatt helps in this case is your name(s), your location, your "other things" that can hep us looking ofr a name ofr you.

    "Fruit cakes Gallore"
    "Fruit Cakes with Brandy"
    "Exclusive Fruitcakes"

    are dull names

    Otherwise generic stuff like:

    "FruitCakes RUs"
    "The Patissier"
    "American Pie and Cakes"
    "The Queens Cakes"
    "Windsor Fruit Cakes"
    "Royal Fruit Cakes"
    "The Royal Pastry Shop"
    "Careme Fruit Cakes"
    Antonin Careme was one of the most legendary patissiers that ever lived serving royalty in his era!
    "Royal Cakes"
    "The Cake and Spoon"
    (typical english style of naming PUBS)
    "The Fruit and Brandy" Cake Shop
    "Le Patissier Royal"

    Give us some more info and we will get you more stuff,

    Hapy Cooking! (baking)

  • Posted on Accepted
    I think you have the word right in front of you: "FruitCake"

    You may not be familiar with the English phrase "As nutty as a fruitcake", which means "completely mad" (but in an eccentric, unthreatening and essentially endearing way).

    In fact Cadbury's, the chocolate manufacturer had a long-running campaign for their fruit and nut chocolate bar which had the words "Everyone's a fruit and nut cake" spoken over a piece of classical music that sounded quintessentially English (don't ask me what it was)

    Springing from this I can see lots of room to tap in to this vein for puns, a cartoonish ("nutty")logo ...

    On another point, the price point you mention seems pretty high. Bakeries that are recognised as producing extraordinarily good product are selling for significantly less. I find it difficult to see an economic rationale for a higher price - I'm sure that adding brandy, even if it is large quantities of a premium spirit, wouldn't make up the difference. Perhaps the amounts you are talking about are in non-US dollars?
    Collin Street Bakery makes 1.6 million fruitcakes per year and ships this product, totaling four million lb (approximately two million kg), to customers in all 50 states and 200 countries.

    Also.. several monasteries in the United States, including the Assumption Abbey in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri, the Abbey of Gethsemani in Trappist, Kentucky, and the Our Lady of Guadalupe Trappist Abbey in Carlton, Oregon, are recent entrants in the race to produce the best fruitcake. The 14 monks of Assumption Abbey create 23,000 fruit-cakes per holiday season to finance their less worldly vocations.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    The Royal Society Fruitcakes
    (The R.S. were England's greatest minds blended together for mutual benefit).

    The Fruitcake Guild.
    (From the Middle Ages on they were small business associations, since each crafter was a self-employed individual artisan or part of a small craft shop or co-operative).

    Phileas Fogg Fruitcakes. (Jules Verne's Victorian character; a precise world traveler of London's High Society, who becomes more 'human' after his exposure to the people, tastes and adventures of the world).

    High Society Fruitcakes. (Exotic fruit was expensive add Spirits then include 3 hours of supervised steaming not everyone could afford this longlived English staple).

    These few ideas should get you started.

    Have fun!

  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    'Nuttier than a fruitcake' - Is 'nuttier' an official guild? If not, make it one.

    'Let them eat cake' has French connotations, doesn't it?

    Coverington Fruitcakes - go Geospecific..use the names of the lovely shires around England. (use something else than Coverington if you wish).

    All I can come up with over my morning cuppa.

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Knottingham Fruitcake Company
    Windsor Palace Fruitcake Shoppe
    Good King George's Fruitcakier

    and my personal favorite... (wink-wink)

    The Magna Carta Caka - We're all fruitcakes here...

    By the way, I am a "common sewer" of FruitCakes. I travel to Corsicana Texas (about 950 Miles) each winter to buy these beauties....
  • Posted by djohnson on Member
    Doesn't the word fruit cake carry many negative connotations? A crazy person is often referred to as a fruit cake. Fruit cakes are those awful cakes your 115 year-old aunt sends you during the holidays which you re-gift to your worst enemy which he re-gifts and so on and so on. I could be wrong, but I have never heard anything positive said in the same sentence as fruit cake.

    Because of this, I would leave fruit cake out of the name altogether. Also, no offense to our British friends out there...but the British are not known for their delicious & chips...steak & kidney pie...need I say more?

    I am a simple man with very simple solutions... I like jkp's idea of Brandy Cakes or something French. Brandy is more of a French thing (actually its Dutch) anyhow, isn't it? Plus the word Brandy conjures all sorts of upscale images like a man sitting in a leather arm chair, clad in an ascot and smoking jacket, wearing slippers with the family coat of arms embroidered on them delicately eating a piece of cake from fine china and a silver dessert fork. And, isn't that the image you want if you are trying to get 70-$100 for these cakes? I mean really, who would pay $70 for a simple old fruit cake?

    How about Le Brandy Gateau (French for cake)? or Cognac Cake (cognac being the best known brandy).

    That's all I can come up with. Hope it gets the idea juices flowing.

    Good Luck,
    Dave Johnson

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