
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline/logo Ideas....biggers Real Estate

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have primarily worked as a Real Estate Appraiser for the past 13 years. Due to my experience and knowledge I have gained, I am venturing into the Real Estate Business in the very near future. My last name is “BIGGERS” and I want to use that when naming the company. I want everything to be centered around BIGGERS (name, tagline, web address, logo).

I am located on the coast in historic Charleston, South Carolina. I have registered I want a creative, professional, classic tagline that people will remember. Something catchy. Something using my appraisal experience as well.

Any help you can provide is much appreciated!!! Thanks in advance.
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  • Posted on Accepted
    How about
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    Sumeet, I think you mean, Biggers IS better.

    We have a small town in Saskatchewan called Biggar, their slogan is 'New York is big, but this is Biggar'.

    Biggers by nature

    Biggers by design.

    Biggers by golly!

    Biggers Appraisals, reasonable rates.
  • Posted by MANSING on Accepted
    Hi Ric,

    As you mentioned you have worked as a Real Estate Appraiser for last 13 years, I am sure you have lots of name in your mind. As I know Charleston is a city in the counties of Berkeley and Charleston in the U.S. state of South Carolina and known as Mecca for tourist.

    Bigger/ Big means (adjective): considerable size, number, quantity, magnitude, or extent; large, Mature or grown-up, fully developed, grand scale, major way, boastful manner, extremely well or “big on ranking things and deciding which is Number One”

    What do we want is: something catchy representing your name and business motive, appraisal business experience or may be business standard in the area of Charleston, South Carolina.

    You should start by playing matrix game:

    1. Write your full name: select initial letters and make one word.
    2. Think what is famous in your area which is enthusiastic for others
    3. Think about people and culture – doesn’t matter what name is, Matter is who wants to remember and why?
    4. You would get name from Museum and historical places in your area. E.g., Old Exchange and Customs House, Fort Moultrie…. etc
    5. for logo : try this


    As you mentioned you want “creative, professional, classic tagline that people will remember with you surname - bigger.” I think above things will help you. If I want to suggest any name I will prefer, it will easy for people to remember with the identity of local interest.

    Have a nice day

    Mansing Bhor
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Bigger Real Estate - Bigger really is better!
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    A basic caveat about using personal names is that if something goes sour, you will always be tagged with the memory in the publics subconscious even if it is reversed later and you want to try a new venture.

    That's why many Celebrities have flush phrases in their contracts, incase someone associated with them ie staff or a family member sharing last name (Jimmy's brother Billy Carter) puts the company in a different light than expected.

    If you still go that route try this twist on your name... this similar expression, suggesting that only with Biggers experienced help will they find the best choice is a available through you with your apprasal exp. ecetera.

    Biggers Can Be Choosers ... For You.

    Hopefully that fulfills the Clever and Classic options you mentioned and might also imply thrifty too!

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