
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Tagline For A Manufacturing Company

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
My company has been in business for over 100 years manufacturing and printing die-cut labels for grinding wheels. We've never considered ourselves, nor do we want to compete with, commercial printers although specialized printing for this industry is a large part of what we do. We are also now diversifying into fulfillment (pick, pack, ship) services. We'd like a tag line that encompasses both. Any ideas?
Thanks for any suggestions.
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  • Posted by MANSING on Member
    Hi Lori,

    As you know great names are a powerful force in the branding, marketing and advertising campaigns of the companies they work for. They differentiate you from competitors, make an emotional connection with your audience, and help to build a brand that ignites the passions of your customers.

    As you are working for manufacturing and printing die-cut labels - to make that decision, you need to understand the possibilities. A name /tagline can:

    • Achieve separation from your competitors
    • Demonstrate to the world that you are different
    • Reinforce a unique positioning platform
    • Create positive and lasting engagement with your audience
    • Be unforgettable
    • Propel itself through the world on its own, becoming a no-cost, self-sustaining PR vehicle
    • Provide a deep well of marketing and advertising images
    • Be the genesis of a brand that rises above the goods and services you provide
    • Completely dominate a category

    Why don’t you try this tagline for your business:

    1. A division of XYZ (family name/favourite name) manufacturing
    2. Specialise in printing and manufacturing
    3. Multiple solution for Business
    4. Bringing you manufacturing vision
    5. Never say die..?
    6. Quality through manufacturing
    7. Building the manufacturing relationship

    One of the most important things that the best brands accomplish is being thought of as greater than the goods and services offered. Nike's "Just Do It" helps them rise above selling sneakers. Apple's "Think Different" is bigger than computers.

    I hope this will help!


    M Bhor
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    The accountants of the Grinding Wheel business
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Company Name.
    Where Storks go to learn perfect PICKING, PACKING & SHIPPING.

    See what happens when you suggest using Conception to a Village Idiom creator?

    The Classic delivery Icon of The Perfect PP & S fable still works I hear .... Because of the revolutionary changes in child-rearing practices in the past generation, and especially with the franker and biologically more correct explanations of conception and birth given to children, the use of the stork fable has been gradually declining.

    Yet it is still almost universally known at all levels of our culture especially by adults.

    I had fun, hope this helps stir up some more creative juices ;)

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