
Topic: Our Forum

What To Call A Special Group Of Mprofs Members?

Posted by Anonymous on 1000 Points
Hi, all!

For a long time now, we've been randomly inviting members like you to participate in benchmark surveys about various marketing topics. (There are eight results of those in our Premium Library so far.)

We want to try something new. We'd like to find MarketingProfs members who are willing to join a permanent group of panelists for future benchmark surveys. But before we officially open the doors, we'd like to give that group a name.

The Benchmark Team?
The MarketingPulse Team?

If you've got ideas to contribute, throw them up here and we'll see what sticks. Many thanks!

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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member
    Hi Sheldon,

    hope you're having a wonderful summer and things are going great for you.

    I'd love to join the team and would also love to say I like the MarketingPulse Team name.

    Here's some others to think about.

    The Get off the Bench Team....(since most people need to get in the game on this one)

    My Survey Team

    MarketingProfs Input Team

    The Advice Counts Team

    Chief MarketingPulse Team

    Cool MarketingPulse Team

    My MarketingPulse Team

    Have a great day and thanks for the cool question.
    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

  • Posted by cread on Accepted
    The Back Bench Markers (UK pun)
    Survey Sluts (XXX rated)
    The Flat Liners (no pulse)
    The Dream Team (Dreamers not thinkers)
    The Hole Punchers (Dreams and &*%$^#'s)
    The Market Surveyed (God like)
    The No It Alls (Truthful)
    The Know it Alls (Less truthful)
    The No Nothings (Very Truthful)
    The Inquisition (religious pun)
    The Square Pegs (For mProfs round holes)

    I could go on but marketing concepts are so finitely limited
  • Posted on Accepted
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    BenchMARKetingProfs seems fine to me...and relatively consistant with the brand.

    My two cents.

    Darcy Moen
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Shelley
    I think that these are some interesting ideas:

    - BenchmarkPlatoon

    -Benchmark T-Group




    - Benchmark Round Table

    - Benchmark Nursery

    - Benchmark Survaivors

    - B.I.A. (Benchmark Intelligence Agency)

    - B.I.G. (Benchmark Intelligence Group)

    -Benchmark Volunteers

  • Posted on Accepted
    Hey there Shelley,
    how are you?
    I don't know about you, but shouldn't we as marketers avoid overused words and expressions because after a while they lose their power? And isn't "benchmark" one of those?
    Iwould just call them The Markers. Sounds like a band. Plus, it conjures up:
    --grades (marks)
    --an elite group
    --benchmarking without calling it benchmarking
    --my 4th grade teacher's big red pens (when she was giving me A after A...)

  • Posted on Member
    what do you think about "BENCHPROFS TEAM" or "MARKPROFS TEAM"or "BENCHPROFS" or MARKPROFS only?

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi Shelley

    how about these....

    "ProfSurveyers" (professional surveyers)

    "MarkSurve Team"
    "The MarketingDocs" (Doctors take pulse of patients, Marketing Docs takes pulse of markets)

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Okay Shelley,

    I'm starting to get dizzy...

    I think I'm going to have to hire an interpreter to figure some of these names out or go see a word doctor to help me recover. Or a Wordacologist to help me deliver all these names I'm pregnant with. Somebodies got to help me deliver these words out of my brain. But here's another one before I head to the Doc Terpreter (lol).

    "Professors of BenchMarks"

    "Marketing Bench"

    "BenchMark Board"

    "The Whats-a-call-It's"

    (oh shucks I almost forgot what I was doing here...sorry...) Okay I tink I'm back on crack...oh I mean I'm back on track!

    "The Board of Benchmarks" or "Board of Benchmarks" or "Board of BenchMarkers" or or or-or-or


    there it is a 17 letter, 29lb 9oz baby girl...I finally did it! I'll call her...

    "BenchMarkers Board"...YEAH!!!


  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    Okay Shelley,

    (My mirrors still sayin' you're the smartest in the land)

    Well the good news is I was half way there. So I "2nd that motion" with an "I"

    You're right Shelley, Benchmarkers Board is about 20lbs too heavy. So let's make her 9lbs 9oz's and call her

    And btw I'm still drinkin' water because if I had anything else...well you know I'd be in trouble.
  • Posted by MANSING on Accepted
    Hi There!!!

    Try this,

    1. Benchmarking communication / research
    2. Benchmark exchange
    3. Benchmark technica
    4. benchmark text members
    5. KHEclub Benchmark
    6. KHE’s Benchmarketing Club
    7. E-KHE’s Club
    8. East West benchmarking Club

    I hope this will help!


    M Bhor
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Hi Shelley,

    I support the simple solution: Benchmarkers

    Trying to incorporate some element of Marketingprofs into the name just dilutes the Mprofs brand. Benchmarkers says it all as a kind of generic tone sub-branding to the parent brand. Clean, clear and professional.

    My two cents worth


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