
Topic: Taglines/Names

Non-cliche Tagline Help Needed

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are a digitizing and embroidery service in a town where there are 5 other similar businesses firmly entrenched. We are also rebuilding our web site from the ground up with a more professional and user friendly approach which will illustrate the differences between us and our competition.

Part of our revamping process is creating a new and catchy tag line that is short and sweet but polished. Our current tag line is "Your logo should make the best impression; we'll work with you to make it work for you". The words of emphasis are with and for. Even though it states our business philosophy, it's too long and unexciting.

We've tried all sorts of ideas and without inadvertently using something that may already exist, find we're stuck. We could sure use some creative ideas.
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    We put your logo to work......
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Tattoos for Timid Clothes Owners ..

    Suggests Art work for everyone but not on your body. It might make 'em stop and ask or at least think more about you guys and what you do differently.


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