
Topic: Taglines/Names

Hypnotherapist Needs Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need a clever, clear, catchy tagline for my hypnotherapy gig. The best one I have seen is "Rapid change-Lasting Results" but it belongs to a friend of mine and is not available. Main benefit: using the other 90% of the mind to achieve positive changes and improvement in life. Maybe a play on one of our lines...."Want it, Have it" or Want it, Be it..with hypnosis. ??? Seems simple but that's what makes it hard. Use the word "mesmerizing" or "fascinating"? Help!
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  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for your suggestions. The words "mind" (as a verb) and "potential" might lead somewhere. I'm wondering if it would be too rude or crude to say that I help people sleep their way to the top!
    Helping you sleep your way to success? I don't know.
    It's got to be short but great!
    Thank you again,
  • Posted by nmuqbel on Member
    Hey debbie,

    I wouldnt go for "sleep your way to the top", some people may get offended and you dont want to convey the wrong message here.

    maybe something like..
    Want to change? Get hypnotized!
    Need a change ot mind...etc
    Get rid of bad habbits...etc

    Good luck
  • Posted by nmuqbel on Member
    Hey debbie,

    I wouldnt go for "sleep your way to the top", some people may get offended and you dont want to convey the wrong message here.

    maybe something like..
    Want to change? Get hypnotized!
    Need a change ot mind...etc
    Get rid of bad habbits...etc

    Good luck
  • Posted on Member
    I was thinking along the lines of...

    - And before you know it.. it's gone!

    - We do it with your eyes closed (awww.. come onnnn!!)

    - We do it hypnostyle

    - Just count to 3

    - Nothing changes like hypnotherapy

    Try these for now.... lemme see if I can cook up a few more...

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    hypnotherapy - the key to the rest of your mind
    xxx hypnotherapy - unleash your full brain
  • Posted on Author
    Thankyou all for responding so quickly! Some of the suggestions feel like they are on the right track but not quite "it".

    I like the concept of "hypnocharged" and "hypnostyle". The "We do it with our eyes closed" is cute.
    I liked "wake up a winner" but it does imply the person is a loser!

    Please keep brainstorming with me!!!

  • Posted by The Radial Group on Accepted
    My firm works exclusively with wellness businesses, so my comments reflect that experience.

    You've gotten some good suggestions, above. However, rather than focusing on taglines YOU think sound catchy, think about the positive comments that your happy clients use to describe your business to their friends.

    You want your tagline to immediately resonate with potential clients. The best way to do that is to use words that are as close as possible to the way actual clients talk about your business.

    Then boil those down into something short. Avoid anything that's too "cutesy" -- you don't want to suggest that your business is anything less than extremely professional. And a tagline that leaves people wondering what the heck it is you actually do isn't generally useful either.

    If you end up with several possibilities (either using the method I'm suggesting, or other ideas from MarketingProfs), put together a list of 3-5 and ask several current clients to comment on each one.

    Good luck and feel free to e-mail me w/ questions,

    Leslie Nolen
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you, everyone, for all these great suggestions. They are all swirling around, mingling together, in my little mind-cauldron. I find that the concept of hypno-charged changes has bubbled up a few times. I thought of "Try hypnosis for a change" but it didn't seem to tell enough. (maybe I am mistaken on that).

    Here is the list I came up with on my own so far. Feel free to comment:

    Putting you to sleep to wake you up

    Life is but a dream

    Helping you create …….

    Helping you make Magic

    Helping you Be all that you can be …without the Army ( I like this one but don't know if it's legal for me to use it)

    Think it, Feel it, Believe it, Be it! (This is one I am using to name a technique/program )

    Whatever the problem, hypnosis can help!

    When life gives you a boo boo….

    Integrating hypnosis with other modalities for change

    We help you change your mind for the best

    Conceive it, Believe it, Achieve it, Receive it! (This is another one that I am going to use to name a technique with)

    Skyrocket your success with the power of the subconscious mind

    Tapping into the Power of your Creative Mind

    Using the Power of your creative mind to skyrocket you to success

    Unleash the power of your subconscious mind for rapid change with lasting results

    Using the other 90% of your mind for powerful change

    Using the other 90% of your mind to change your life

    Better living through directed thought and induced emotion

    Directed thought and induced emotion for better living

    Using your subconscious mind to make the changes you desire

    Positively mesmerizing changes

    Fascinating changes

    Putting people to sleep so they can live their dreams

    Hypnosis makes it better

    Sleep with me

    I put people to sleep for a living

    Helping you sleep your way to the top

    Improve your life while you sleep

    Helping you create change in hypnostyle

    Hypnosis…for a change!

    Try hypnosis for a change!

    Release the past, create the future, with hypnosis

    Hypnosis…….for a change

    Hypno-charged solutions to ?-charged problems

  • Posted by pghpromo on Member

    Great advice from Leslie Nolen above (8/21.) Along those lines, I endeavored to prep some tags that could be reflective of conversational references from satisified clients:

    Be more like yourself.
    The better side of you.
    Your mind is your future.
    Everything can be better.
    Feel fantastic.
    The way you were meant to be.
    The way to a better you.
    Become a better you.
    The new you is waiting.

    -- Paul
  • Posted on Author
    I am offering huge thank yous to all of you here for your wonderful ideas, contributions, generosity and patience. There have been many great suggestions, and I apologize for not being able to commit to one yet. It may be that my main struggle is in my own ommitment to what exactly I am wanting to communicate and how easily one of these lines will roll out of my mouth when someone stops asks, "oh , and what do you do?" I am still stewing and brewing with some of the lines that have been offered, along with the ones of my own. Gee, maybe I need a hypnotist! You folks are great!
  • Posted on Member
    I agree with Leslie Nolen about not choosing something that's too cute and testing your decision with your existing customers. Looking at your own list, I like:

    Tapping the power of your creative mind

    It's not cutesy and supports a lot of what you are saying. "Your creative mind" suggests that 90% of your brain idea, which you can make clearer as needed in advertising. Note that "tapping" doesn't require "into."

    Good luck,
  • Posted on Author
    Because my hypnotherapy practice encompasses several modalities, I am going to accept Leslie Nolen's advice for now, keep pondering the purpose of a tagline, and close this question. Thank you all for your great suggestions and for taking your time to help me out. Many Blessings to you all, Debbie Yaffee, CH, CN

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