
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name My Company And Save My Career!

Posted by Anonymous on 1500 Points
We are a year old company that builds web based software applications that help small businesses and small healthcare practices manage their business operations.

A little explanation is necessary so please read this through. You will be surprised how much it can change your view.

Our current name, ProVolve Solutions, is the best we have managed so far and as you can guess from annunciating aloud we get a lot of Pro-who? Pro-Solve, Pro-Salt, Pro-Vault. ProVolve came from smooshing the words Process and Evolution together. This came about because automating and managing the evolution of business processes is a unique characteristic to our software solutions (which to explain is boring, difficult and confusing).

One thing to keep in mind is that we are a group of four entrepreneurs who have based all our software solutions on imagination. Because we use the Software as a Service (SaaS), or hosted delivery model and build our applications on a process software engine that manages the state of any business segment (like revenue cycle), we have built some very creative solutions. We've recently adopted a tag line of "Imagination that Works" which although true, we do not necessarily have to keep.

We always create software solutions that are far beyond the expectations of what our clients are looking for and greatly exceed their production requirements. This is because the power of our applications often makes the unthinkable or unimaginable, possible. The problem is that any name with imagination is used in some form or already trademarked.

The other key thing to keep in mind is that our software solutions are SIMPLE. They have no tabs and don’t require the users to click between screens. Imagine telling your computer “Hey, I need a letter to the Marketing Professionals about my account” and Microsoft Word automatically types out the entire letter about what you need without you doing anything at all, and when its done it prompts your screen with a reminder for you to sign the letter. Yea, it’s like that. Our programs automate most of the processes within a business or practice and automatically guide users to tasks that actually require human interaction-and there aren’t many at all that can’t be automated to some degree.

Billing cycle management is a simple example. Most software products have 5or 6 states a bill can be within, submitted, rejected, paid, etc., all which require some form of user action to complete. Our solution by comparison has 60 states a bill can be in, but because our software manages the process automatically, only 3 states require user interaction. Our solutions are very, very simple and intuitive.

We desperately need a name that can clearly delineate what it is we offer and what we do, but wrapping that into a name that can do that, and is memorable, has just about driven us all nuts! We want it all I suppose. A catchy, dynamic name that is relevant and easy to remember without being overly limiting or cutesy. We really need substantive responses so if you have any questions at all or need elaboration, please ask.
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member - where automation and health care join
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    Only a year and you are ready to change brands? What about that year you just invested to get folks to say Pro WHAT?!!!

    Not to be bearer of bad news (but I will be), whatever name you put over the door will have EXACTLY ZERO name recognition too.

    It takes time to build a brand. Its painful to tell you this, but even after 16 years of building my drycleaning brand, spending 2 to 10,000 a month advertising...I still had customers picking up their orders asking 'who do I make the cheque out to?'. Yeah, pretty sad eh? What was worse was the walk ins who asked: 'when did you open up here?'.

    Despite your best marketing intentions, and your best marketing, it will take time to build the name awareness. It is a slow process, and it happens one customer at a time. Brands take time to work, and to become known. Like dating, did you get to know every detail of your spouse on the first date? Or did that evolve over time too.

    One customer at a time. Every time you hear Pro Who?...its one more opportunity to position your brand, to place that thought, to set that hook. It doesn;t that its ProSolve, ProWidgets, or ProTech IMagitive solutions that WORK! Whatever name you chose, or what ever name you stick with.....its the same amount of work.

    The brand becomes what you make it to be. Have fun creating/living up to your brand, and best of luck.

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network
    (a few thousand points later, and its a brand that is still growing up)
  • Posted on Member
    Would this help-

  • Posted by MANSING on Accepted
    Hi Jampap

    Thanks for the explanation. Some time I feel – there are so many answers we want to discover and we look every where? But most of the times they are lying underneath where we are standing.

    At the first place you should consult with your partner. You know all the facts and figure than what I know. I like your tagline “Imagination that Works”

    As per as the name is concern, try to define your name different way. It is the name a person wants to remember. Think about who you are? What you provide? Is there any word to define those characteristics?

    Try this,

    1. ProSolution - Putting future in Practice
    2. ProVolve Creative Solutions - A solution, a click away
    3. ProVolvo Connectivity

    We can give you suggestion; it is you will make right decision. I think changing name will be different; if you like you can extend the name and description.

    I hope this will help!


    M Bhor
  • Posted on Member
    About the name:
    Even if Pro is for Process, when you use it like that (Pro) it's short for Professional...
    If it's all about evolution, I think you should drop the Pro and stick with the Evolution part.

    So it could look something like Evolve or better yet eVolve.

    The only problem I have with this name is that it has nothing to do with Health care...

    Regarding the Tag Line:
    Imagination is something that is not real right? So "Imagination that works" is somehow an oxymoron. In a way this is ok, because it makes people think and be intrigued by your company. But the objective of a tag line is to explain what you do when your company name is not enough to accomplish that.
    You should have a look at other SaaS suppliers and take a look at how they have (or haven't) solved it .
    You mentioned Saas, Simple, Intuitive

    How about:
    "Simple solutions to support your real needs"
    "Intuitive solutions for Health Care companies"

    Or even (looking at the approach uses)
    "Simple and Intuitive solutions with no software"

    Hope this help your brainstorm...

  • Posted on Member
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Toyed with many similar IT and healtcare combos for you - here is a sample of a few.

    Pro-Cure...(a little old and a little new and a Medical Remedy

    ProKure ... (similar but using phonetic K for IT fit with name.

    Soft-Cure or Soft-Kure (implies SoftWare and Cures.

    TagLine suggestion;

    'Our Custom Rx is better than Generic'

    ... this speaks to your use of Imaginative Solutions for your clients not In the Box and also compares STRONG specific answers versus wimpy off the shelf medicine.

    Good Luck
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hello James

    Despite that Branding is not an exact science there are guidelines that help you shape your company name. Most of the time you’ll hear what not to do. I won’t break this rule :)

    There are two risks if you choose a technological term:

    1. Almost everyone in the industry uses one, so there is the risk that you may become invisible.
    2. A techno-term sounds very aggressive and won’t go along well with your idea of simple and reliable products.

    In your shoes I would ‘flirt’ a little with the idea of using a fruit name (for instance: the Carrot).

    It’s simple, it’s easy, I would say inspirational and ear catching.


  • Posted by darcy.moen on Member
    Soft Initiative

    Invent Soft

    Soft Integration (what you are really, you said)

    Hope those help, and are open and available.
  • Posted by kannanveeraiah on Member
    The tagline you thought of - "Imagination that works" - is really imaginative and simply fantastic. Keep that as it is.

    Regarding name, how would you like :

    "Simple Software Solutions"
    "Software Simplified"
    "Simplified Software"
    "Software Powerhouse"

    Best Wishes,

  • Posted by Tatyiana on Member
    How important is the name of this company and product to the company? Sounds like everyone agrees there is high value. Check - check.

    I would gather these suggestions, request a meeting and do a brainstorming session with the appropriate people. I don't know what the culture is but grab a pizza and some beer and start to go through a branding exercise.

    First white boarding and defining your company, your culture, your market and your product. Not only will you probably come up with something better than we could - you will get something even more important than a name.

    You will get buy-in.

    Everyone is a closet marketer - I am convinced of it. If you involve them in a session they get buy in for the end result and will defend it for eternity. And forgive it for any short comings it may represent later.

    It will help to come with suggestions to build on but I suggest the end result will not be any of these.

    There's more to a name than letters and words.

    Good Luck,

  • Posted on Member
    What jumped into my mind is:
    SynergySoftware - Imaginative Solutions
    SynergySolutions - We work hard so you don't have to

    Good luck.
  • Posted on Member
    What she said! Tatyiana's advice is right on. Your software sounds fabulous and the method you have developed seems like it would apply beyond the medical you wouldn't want to unnecessarily limit yourself there. But that's an example of the kind of thing you and your partners could establish in your pizza-fueled branding workshop.
    Good luck.
  • Posted on Member
    Name ur brand short and abbreviative

    Keep in mind "to build a big brand keep a short name"

    will this help u: "SOFT SOLUTIONS" and u can abbreviate it as SSN


  • Posted on Member
    hahhaa rockyboy2

    nice name, will attract when they c the name, but still its a bit overwhelming


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