
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Sisters Selling Real Estate As A Team

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My sister and I just started our Real Estate career and are going to be working as a team. We should have ordered our business cards over a month ago but we just can't think of a slogan. We plan on sharing a business card with separate pictures (or together) and info (separate). We want something to let people know that we are sisters. We have the same last name at the moment, but that will probably change within the next year. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks!!
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Why do you want a tagline? Why not just call yourselves the Smith Sisters (or whatever your name is)?

    If you're trying to communicate something other than the fact that you are sisters, we need to know that in order to help you with a tagline. For whatever it's worth, the fact that you're sisters is NOT an important benefit for your clients and prospective clients. It doesn't make you any better at what you do (presumably) and there's no advantage it gives you over your competitors.

    My recommendation would be to find a unique, benefit-oriented positioning and use THAT to create a name/tagline for your business. Why should a client come to you instead of someone else? If you can't answer that question, you have a problem that's much bigger than your tagline (or your name).

    Look at the situation from the client's perspective: There are many realtors out there, and they all kind of provide the same benefits. What would make me call you instead of the next realtor in the book? Does the fact that you share some genes mean anything to me? Will it help me get a better price for my home, or sell it faster, or make the process smoother and easier?

    I think you need to deal with the core marketing issue before you go off searching for a tagline.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Maybe it's time for KHE to have a tagline of its own:

    The MarketingProfs Know-How Exchange
    "Where Everyone Thinks They Can Get A Free Tagline"

    Just having fun, Brooke, not meant to be at your expense. ;]
  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    How about SWS:

    Sisters Who Sell!
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Levon! You make it sound so simple. :)

    Thanks for the advice mgoodman. I completely understand that being sisters has nothing to do with benefiting the client. However, every single person we have met in Real Estate says "Oh, are you sisters or...?" so I kindof wanted to make it clear and I also thought it might be a good way to remember us like a kind of marketing strategy. But I don't have a clue of what works, that's why I came to the professionals. Thanks for the advice. :)

    SRyan - That wasn't very nice, but I understand your point. However, I never would have found this awesome website if it had not of been for the helping people with taglines. In yahoo I searched "Real Estate Taglines" and I found where people who are obviously skilled in the matter were able to help those of us who aren't. So I'm sorry if it bugs you that I took advantage of the opportunity for feedback, I can see that you, like me, have a hard time coming up with solutions. And my question was only meant for those who didn't mind helping - I'm sorry you wasted both of our time. :(
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Let our family serve your family
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Brookedingler,
    Although I understand the benefit of being sisters in opening up a dialogue with your customers, the primary role of a brand and tagline is to differentiate from your competitors and create relevance with your customers and prospects.

    Think outside of your industry for a moment. Would you go to a restaurant because the two chefs said that they're brothers? No, what drives you to go to the restaurant could be a unique experience, prestige, the ability to be seen, a comfortable mood, a renowned chef, never been done before ambiance/decor, and/or oh yes, the unique or proprietary food choices. Any one of those things can set one restaurant apart from their competition.

    I challenge you to think about the following question:
    So you're sisters, what does that mean to your customer? With every answer you give, keep asking yourself "so what?". Eventually you'll get to the core of what makes you special, unique and relevant.

    I hope this helps & good luck!

  • Posted on Author
    Wow, thanks Kathysmithcasting!! You are really good at this all of them sound great. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me with this. Thank you so much.

    Frank- that is perfect!! Something about the word family gives a sense of reassurance I think. My only idea was something like "Join our family." And the only quote I found online that I liked was "Sisterhood is powerful."

    What does anyone reading this think about combining them? Is it too long?

    "Sisterhood is powerful. Let our family serve your family."

    Lara- thanks for challenging me to think outside the box. And I think the answer is what I stated above, "Sisterhood is powerful." I think being sisters does give us an advantage over another team because I think sisters have the strongest relationship, and no matter how well others may work together they still don't have the "unconditional" advantage. Of course we argue and disagree sometimes, but my sister is my best friend and although business is business, there is nothing that could ever tear us apart. Does that make sense?
  • Posted on Accepted
    Sisters- Second to None!

    Sisters- The Sound Choice for Your Real Estate Needs

  • Posted by John Coonen on Member
    Buying or selling? Who's your sister?
  • Posted on Member
    Have you gotten any good ideas on this.. because both my sister and i are in the same situation. This is crazy to read this because it is exactly what we are trying to figure out right now. Where do you live??.. I have a few ideas and hopefully we can help each other out on this.. contact me at I would love to hear from you:)

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