
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Personal Aircraft Service.

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi, I am starting a personal aircraft service. This will be marketed to high-net-worth individuals and corporate individuals who currently travel on commercial airline with frustrations because of security, check-in and not importantly, not flying direct.

With the new service I am offering, there would be considerable time savings (for example, 3 hours round trip instead of 14 hours!), simplicity and convenience without the frustrations of commercial airline travel. Overnight trips are now day trips because of the speed and point to point travel (the name point2point is already taken).

Value proposition the name should embody:
- Speed
- Simplicity/Convenience
- Quality of Life
- Suprisingly Affordable

(If it helps, my competitor names are DayJet, Pogo, LinearAir, Point2Point, Magnum Air, PlaneSense, EarthJet, SATSair: I don't think any of these are too creative)
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  • Posted by Billd724 on Member
    James --

    I can really appreciate the value proposition you offer.

    You yourself have prioritzed these qualities in the right order.

    Speed . . . convenience. Those are THE top two I'd hang my hat on.

    That said, a name that embodies these qualities and describes exactly what your target audience member wants . . . is:

    GoNow Air
    Going wherever you need whenever you want

    The 'on demand' quality that's implicit in the ability to 'go now' suggests the other qualities you've listed as well.

    Success in your venture . . . it's the same issue that caused me to get my private pilot's license . . . '-)

  • Posted by mop on Accepted
    I think you have been offered some great names and I won't try to expand upon them. I do offer one issue that you should include in your value proposition: an unyielding commitment to safety.

    good luck and blue skies.
  • Posted on Member
    James, just curious if you/your company will be providing the charter services or if you'll be "brokering/coordinating" services with companies like FlexJet, FlightOptions, etc.?

    The type of equipment you'll provide or have available obviously lends itself to the type of name (jet vs recip or turboprop).

    Just off the top of my head...TravelPass, BoardNow, Wings2You
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    E-Air... the email version of air travel

    TimeSave - we save time and money
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    I'm sure you will expound on with your TagLine or deeper Marketing Plan to prospective clients but here are a few quick ideas which may trigger something else also!

    VIP ZIP great for a vertical stabilizer logo.

    Deeper name in latin evennnn!

    Tempus Fugit , yes that's it 'Time Flies"

    Just as memorable IMHO and says it all also.

    Good Luck
  • Posted on Accepted
  • Posted on Member
    good idea

    Make sure the name you choose can be trademarked, and you can get, plus a vanity toll free number, including your name.

    The name is important, but really needs to have these marketing tools, especially in a time saving business, for you to have impact.

    Also, do not use a VLJ!


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