
Topic: E-Marketing

Managing Marketing Campaigns And Communications Internally

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I work in a small company with 15 employees. Looking for suggestions on how to automatically communicate and manage up to ten separate and simultaneous marketing campaigns inlcuding retention marketing for subscription services. Anyone have a recommendation for an automated software program to handle internal communication and planning? (Size dictating a low-budget solution)

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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Wow, can you really get software to hep manage campaigns, internal communications and planning! Why does my company just choose me to do it then!
  • Posted on Member
    Firstly this is a worry: "Looking for suggestions on how to automatically communicate and manage up to ten separate and simultaneous marketing campaigns inlcuding retention marketing for subscription services" -

    10 seperate marketing campaigns in a 15 person company could be spreading things too thin - you should be looking to have one marketing campaign to charge ahead on and make it the most profitable. Even if you simply integrate the seperate ones into one strategy - maybe you are doing this?

    Unless of course you are talking about 10 mail lists or maillings - which is a seperate thing all together

    Ok.. lets say you continue with your ten sperate marketing campaigns. The first thing is to have clear direction for each campaign:

    Goal, Objectives, mission etc

    But that is not the want a system to manage one or 100 campagins... Rather than automated software, work out the procedural points in each campaign, set metrics that fire off actions or meetings, when those metrics are reached/not reached have people responsible (or yourself) to carry out the meeting/action. If it is actions to do, simply lay out what needs to be done in step-by-step form and what information you want in a report. If it is a meeting then have a pre-set agenda. Obviously one person has to be responsible for all the marketing to watch over this and a persona responsible for each campaign - to watch the metrics.

    In a small company with 15 employees, automated planning and campaign management software could be overkill and bog everyone down. A good paper based plan, metrics of the campaign and pre-set meeting agendas are likely to be more effective and easy to mold over time as things change. Plus this will fit your budget.

    Again.. I can''t help think that maybe you are doing some emailing here? If so yes an automated solution is good.. but more information would be neded to work out the best solution.

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