
Topic: Taglines/Names

Infocomm Inc.

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Need ideas for company tagline. My company is named "InfoComm", which is an IT professional services and consulting firm established to support the federal government and commercial clients. Professional services include: IT Infrastructure, App Development, Program/Project Management, and Staff Augmentation. Need something short and catchy so I can tie with a logo.....
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Barbara Bogue's response above is very professional. I'd like to expound a little further:

    Your business is using two of the most prevalent and hackneyed words in the dictionary. Everything in business has something to do with Information and Communication - you could be selling Post-it notes and pencils for all anyone knows.

    BTW this is meant as an observation - not a criticism... I'm just setting the stage for my next comments:

    First thing I always do when I read a question like this is to find out more about the asker's business, so I visit their profile. Gets me nowhere in this case because you haven't provided anything. I deduce you are either:
    • Shy and retiring
    • Uninformative
    • Uncommunicative
    • Far too busy
    • Still working out what you really do want to communicate, or;
    • All of the above
    Again, the above is not meant as a criticism, but without being able to read your mind, it's really hard for people here to help you in a targeted, meaningful way.

    I noticed you asked more or less the same question about nine months ago. At least one answer you were given then seemed helpful - what did you do after that?

    To get some more useful off-the-top-of-mind suggestions from the experts here, you need to tell us the following specifics:
    1. What the business does. Exactly. Not in a fluffy way. IT and professional services consulting could mean anything - give some hard examples.
    2. What makes you different from the next firm doing this stuff
    3. Why I should buy my "IT and professional services consulting" from you instead of all the other companies purporting to do the same things that I can get in the Yellow Pages
    4. What is your unique "Value Proposition" - in the mind of your customers
    5. What YOU think is your special ingredient that you want to highlight if you had, say, 15 seconds, to expound on your business to the CEO of a company that desperately needs whatever you do.
    Then you'll have a chance that the members here will be able to zero in on what the tagline needs to say about you.

    Otherwise, I think it's all just whistling into the wind.

    I'll watch this thread and await your response. Or, contact me via my profile if you want to discuss how to take this forward.

    Hope this helps...

  • Posted on Member
    I have to concur with ChrisB on your company's name. Rather than working on a new tagline at this point in time, perhaps coming up with a more unique name would be more beneficial. If you address it now it will be easier than when your company becomes more entrenched, making it more difficult to make that change.
  • Posted by rjohnni on Accepted
    Having worked in the category for a handful of clients from IMS giants to System Integrators, from Hardware Vendors to Software Developers what you have is so good and so bad...

    You have adopted a name like becomes the generic usage for the category..and anyone can become XXXX Infocomm...

    India's biggest software export is called Infosys...same like you...Till you becoe big enough for the market to recognise you as you are (Jesus was just a carpenter, before he...Or Budha could 've died as another prince if he din't attain...)

    The problem is your name is so commoditised, standing tall is tough. But with the right approach to marketing and growth, people and nadaq just might like you for who u are!

    Now with your requirement: an information technology company with Communication side active too....or the other way around..or both are equal at their own rights and mights...

    InfoComm: Technology. Communication. Tomorrow

    Infocomm: Tomorrow's Solutions. Today

    InfoComm : IT's everything. (IT is everything or it is..)

    InfoComm : Tomorrow is IT (same as before)
  • Posted on Author
    I would like to thank you all for your feedback. I have narrowed my selection to the following:

    We Make IT Happen
    InfoComm: Technology. Communication. Results.
    Technology Solutions That Generate Results

    It helps to brainstorm with others.

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