
Topic: Taglines/Names

New Tagline For High Tech Medical Billing Software

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
We are a growing, high-tech medical billing software company. In business since 99, we recently got Private Equity funding for growth. We have a great product, lots of experience, and no visibility.
Target customers are large speciality physicians (e.g. radiology, cardiology, etc.) and medical billing companies. Buyers are SMB business people (usually practice manager, not the physician), not technical; very busy, etc. Lots of clutter to break through.
Competitors range from GE and McKesson to small, local companies and lots in between.
We offer more powerful capabilities (and results) than the smaller players and a superior "point solution" vs. the large ones. Primary benefits: more revenue (= more profit) and much greater efficiency (less overhead).
Our objective is to distinguish the company as more high tech, more up to date, with better results (but everyone claims that).

Current ideas: "experts in medical billing";
"billing, compliance, smarts";
"the best billing software. Period."
"Driver of billing results" (or "driver of billing productivity");
"Drive billing off the charts"

None of these have hit a chord. Help!
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  • Posted by Tracey on Member
    Efficient billing with smart technology
    (or billing results, better billing)
  • Posted on Member
    Give your accounting system a clean bill of health with XYZ software.

  • Posted on Author
    If it helps, the companies name is AHS. The current product name is somewhat generic, so it doesn't help much.

    Thanks for the ideas so far!
  • Posted on Member
    A new tagline isn't going to increase your visibility, but maybe help you in your advertising and PR efforts.

    When you say "distinguish the company as more high tech, more up to date, with better results", are you talking about your customer who uses your software?

    I need to think on this one some more.
  • Posted on Author
    Responding to your comment:
    "When you say "distinguish the company as more high tech, more up to date, with better results", are you talking about your customer who uses your software?"

    Yes: our customer will be more up to date, with better bottom-line business results and a high tech solution (without the technology headaches).

    Of course, we want our company to be perceived as "high tech" because that will help with differentiation.

    Thanks for your input--and thinking "on this one some more".
  • Posted on Accepted
    Modernizing today's medical billing process
    The intelligent medical billing system
    Accelerating your medical billing cycle
    A Profitable & Efficient Net Billing Cycle
    1 Profitable billing process / Net Less Days
  • Posted by Phoenix ONE on Accepted
    Here are a few thoughts- first I believe for your product and target market, dont use a short tag- it will not define your value to their practice.

    When Billing Compliance Matters Most, Our Software will Matter to You, Fast, Effiecient and Economic

    When Results Matter Most, Our {{company name or brand} Software is the Driving Force.

    Billing just got easy and compliance worry free with XXXX Software.

    When Compliance Mattters Most, Our {{co. name or brand) Billing Software makes it fast and affordable.

    Billing should not keep you up our night- XXX Software, lets you rest easy.

    Hi Speed Software makes billing easy- Take {{product name} out for a spin. You will love the handling around the turns.

    XXX Software zero to compliance in one fast efficient package. Take it out for a spin.

    Hope these help and give a little different view.

    Good Luck & Happy Marketing ~ Bill
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Bill ,

    Some thoughts for u:

    1. AHS presets The Billing Guru.

    2. AHS - Medical business optimizer

    3. AHS present - The Accountant -

    4. Billing automation and behyond

    5. Bills that Thrills and no chills

    6. The best in Billing automation

    7. AHS - [Software name] - Billing fast & easy

    8. AHS - Preffred Billing partners

    9. billing made easy

    10. Simplified Billing

  • Posted on Author
    Great ideas! I appreciate all of them and am busy sorting and thinking. I especially like the benefits-focused ones.

    Thanks--and keep 'em coming!
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    IT Billing Rx:
    Apply AHS Daily for a Better Bottom Line.

    Double medical/financial entendre intended ....

  • Posted by browncatfan on Member

    Designed by medical professionals to maximize efficiency, revenue, and organization.

    Smarter billing software.

    Move billing from a weakness to a strength.

    Makes revenue streams flow faster.

    If billing is the weak link in your operation, strengthen it.

    If billing is your "achilles heel" then fix it.

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