
Topic: Taglines/Names

A New Excuse To Buy In July?

Posted by pghpromo on 350 Points
Hello, all,

I am participating in an exercise to develop some copy for a July promotion of a particular dental tool--sort of a buy-one-get-one-free promotion. The copy will be typeset with graphics on a one-sheet for dental supply distributors to mail to dentists during July. I'm needing a name for the promotion.

Basically, what's a good excuse for a July promotion? My dilemma is this: It's an ASAP situation, so I don't have the luxury of time for my usual development process. I need a quick way to take the otherwise dry features/benefits of this tool and make them marginally interesting with some kind of thematic title/introduction. I want to avoid Independence Day themes and "Christmas-in-July" stuff. Am I to be left with generic hot-fun-in-the-summertime schtick, or can you all think of something new? I'm drawing blanks.

Perhaps I should avoid seasonal references altogether. These end users are dentists, so maybe some sort of "golf" angle would be useful. Thoughts?
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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    I am thinking as you, that Independence Day and other typical themes have nothing to do with creating an urgency to buy with dentists.

    But, if the flyer is mailed in July, the purchase will be late July or Aug-- and whatever they purchase (or receive delivery of) should help them prepare for the end of summer rush-- students returning to school. As a mom-- I always tried to get my kids in the dentist before school starts again. And their schedules were always packed.

    Packed schedules mean the need for more supplies!

    Hope that helps, Carol
    Sell Well and Prosper tm
  • Posted on Accepted
    What about a spin off of Father's Day and declare your own, Dentist's Day? You could do an actual card, like a greeting card with a funny little saying about "Happy Dentists Day" with some silly dentist art on the front. I don't know about you but anytime I get something that looks like a greeting card I always open it. Because of our need to hold on to something that was personally given to us, we tend to hold onto a card longer than a flayer. Inside the card you can offer your promotion.

    I was a dental assistant for years just out of high school, and trust me, anytime you get something for free, Dentists will buy! They must teach you that in Dental School.

    Good Luck!

    Promo Chic
  • Posted by prerna.arvind on Accepted
    Hi There

    I did some google to come up with a reason for your 'july' promotions , i found something interesting ...
    'July' apparently is the National Ice cream month (read details below..). Therefore - July+Ice Creams= Dental Tools promotions :-)

    According to Wikipedia :
    National Ice Cream Month is celebrated by the US every July. This month was designated as national ice cream month by Ronald Reagan in 1984.[1] He also appointed the third Sunday in July as National Ice Cream Day. Reagan recognized the popularity of ice cream in the United States (90% of the nation's population consumes ice cream) and stated that these two events should be observed with "appropriate ceremonies and activities."

    Lemmie know if this helps!

  • Posted by browncatfan on Member
    I like Promochic's idea.

    (And she provided the bonus laugh of turning a "flyer" into a "flayer" --which I guess fits if the flyer is boring enough!)

    Maybe it would add just a touch of relevance to the "Dentist's Day" aspect if some kind of copy line bridged the gap, something like, 'Hey, it really IS 'your day' when you can get time saving tools like these at such a good price!"
  • Posted by pghpromo on Author
    Thank you all so much for providing your thoughts with what little info I was able to provide. Like I said, it was an exercise that required a turnaround from me in less than 24 hours, some kind of "test" as I endeavor to win a contract with potential client.

    Normally, I would develop some theme approaches and keep revisiting them and tweaking them over some period of days, but this exercise wouldn't allow it due to that turnaround. By the time some of your responses came in, I had already picked an idea and had to run with it.

    So it's tough to assign points here, but I'm going with Promochic's "Dentist Day" and Prerna's "Ice Cream Month" suggestions, as these might prove useful in actual promotions later on if this client does pick me up for a contract. Dentist Day, in particular, is particularly flexible. In all fairness, I also chuckled at ethnicomm's "get'em while they're sharp." LOL

    BTW, to answer thetarg's question: the tool is a nonconsumeable item used in dental surgery. So I opted for a golf theme, showing a golf ball on a putting green very close to the hole: "When Precision Counts...You need the right tools in hand." Then I proceeded with additional copy, graphics, special giveaway offer, etc. The Jury is still out on whether this will win any client votes in my favor!

    Thanks again for your time & expertise!

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