
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Holiday Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Looking for name for:
Business that specialises in short holidays only for women. The holidays will be 2-3 days long (preferably weekend breaks), some of them abroad. Each holiday will have some activity that women enjoy such as spa visit, yoga session, shopping trip etc. The idea is to bring fun and relaxation to busy women aged 30-50 that have money but not time to go on long holiday, to plan holiday or for women that just want to have a little break and can’t find anyone to go on a holiday with.
The name I am looking for would be short, elegant, girly….
Thank you
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  • Posted on Author
    I love FingerSnaps and Travelicious thanks so much, any other suggestions for more grown-up names? I would like the holidays be fun but I am afraid if I use 'girl' in the name it would attract different age group.

    Thanks :)
  • Posted by Phoenix ONE on Accepted
    Here are a few ideas"

    GenieTRIPs, short-magical holidays, for the little girl in all of us.

    Exquisite Travels, upscale holidays for ladies with little time.

    FEMME-Trav'l, the ulitmate treat for ladies with little time.

    FEMME'Get A Ways, short chic holidays
    FEMME Holiday, chic travel

    Hope these help

    Good Luck & Happy Marketin ~ Bill
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hi hanka_s,

    hope you're having a great day! Try...

    Happy Girl
    Happy Girls

    REMEMBER... our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. I'm only an email away from you if you need my help Steve. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Clearly Pinpointing Emotionalvalue)

    *Caring Promotes Exuberance
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you so much guys you are awesome!
    ethnicomm inc. and Bill - I like your suggestions thanks so much
    peanutpeanut - thank you :)
    Deremiah, *CPE - hope you having a great day too and thanks for advice ^^
    karen - you are my muse, thanks


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