
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Name For A New Print Product

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Hi there
i have a client who needs a name for a product in the print area. this is a letter-head page, which after being printed on - folds and glues into an envelope, rendering envelopes unneeded (somewhat like letters banks often use, but that could be used personally, in business or privately.

my ideas so far include:


and my good friend Deremiah suggested


what do you think? any more ideas?
i find that this is extremely hard since there are so many envelope products out there - there is even an envelope research community called Envelution!
any help will be much appreciated, thanks!
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  • Posted by philip1957 on Accepted
  • Posted on Accepted
  • Posted by Idea-Sandbox on Accepted
    Personally none of the names in your original note really click for me.

    I would try to stay away from negative-based words... stuff with 'no' or 'non' in the title.

    Despite that, "Unvelope" is my favorite so far.

    Get a thesaurus... and look up all the words related to fold, envelope, mail (EZmailer), one-step, etc... All the qualities of your product.

    Then do a web search of the stuff you like - make sure the name isn't already taken!

    Best of luck! - Paul
  • Posted on Accepted
    I've been in the print industry for years and my feeling on this is you need to promote it differently than the approach you are taking. Cute one-liners are fun but companies that see the value in having their letterhead actually printed (as opposed to one offs on their own laser printers/inkjets), aren't going to be attracted to that.

    Those companies are about quality, professionalism and maintaining their brand. My approach is to market this product as a 'green' product. An environmentally friendly and responsible way to help reduce waste. By elminating the envelope, you are effectively using half the amount of paper. Any company should be proud to do their part no matter how insignifcant it may seem initially. Years of using half the amount of paper do add up.

    Concentrate on that approach and you'll be successful. As well as if the printer is using a reasonable amount of recycled material in the paper, why not drop in a recycle logo on the sheet? Can be small and very subtle, but will further boost the companies global awareness appeal even further.

    If you agree, I'll ponder a few names as well.

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hey Tuqiz,

    it looks like you're at least getting some positive feedback and that's a good thing. Keep doing your thang my sistah.

    Your Servant,

  • Posted by philip1957 on Member

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