
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Exotic, Chic Artisan Jewelry/ Charity

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I will be selling handmade sterling silver and gold jewelry with gemstones. They are inspired by my roots in tropical south India but fit to be worn on the trendy streets of New York.

I also give away all my profits to an eye hospital in south India, and my business name means "opening of the eyes" in Sanskrit.

My image = exotic + chic

My logo = a swirly, stylized paisley (motif reflects exotic, sleek lines reflect chic). Color: deep wine red and white

I need a tagline. All I an think of so far is :

Aloka Jewelry: Take an adventure.
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  • Posted on Author
    I just discovered this site and am so excited to have this resource as I learn the ropes! Here is a bit more information to give you an idea of my vision:

    I realize that it is tough to distinguish myself in this market -- but just to give an idea of how I intend to do that:

    I say I use inspirations from south India. For example, I have a collection called "Ancient Scripts" -- I use the swirly scripts of south Indian languages as design elements and as a way to "sign" my pieces -- the signature will be a part of the design. Other ideas will be drawn from motifs unique to south India. I think I will stand out because, as opposed to motifs from north India, I have never seen the ones from south India in western designs.

    My blog (yet to be established) will explain all of this. I want to target women 20-35 who like to travel and who value wearing something that has a lot of meaning in addition to being aesthetically pleasing.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    It sounds like you've done a lot of thinking about your positioning. If you can distill it in a clear Positioning Statement, you'll find that it will really help with the tagline. After all, the objective of the tagline is to communicate the positioning and link it to the brand name, right?

    MarketingProfs is hosting a seminar on July 20 that you might want to attend. (It's a virtual seminar, so all you really need is a decent Internet connection.) The title of the seminar is: Positioning, Naming and Taglines. It will address the very issue you're raising in your question, and there will be a real-time exercise that deals with creating an effective tagline.

    Hope this all helps. Good luck.
  • Posted by philip1957 on Member
  • Posted on Member
    your tag line can be

    "aloka jewelry-the shining dawn of desire"
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Windows into the Soul,

    Art can be a spiritual expression for the creator but with your generous business this description suits the name and spirit and that of the buyer also.
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hey there Los2013,

    Hope you're having a great day but more importantly a wonderful life inspiring others. I'm going to share with you a few introductory ideas that may help you but please feel free to read the additional information below. This will really help you to think through and consider the mindset you need to have when considering a new tagline or name. If you have any questions please share more insight and ideas on what you are trying to achieve so that I can serve you better.

    So here's a few amazing ideas that will be greatly improved on after you read the information below the taglines I've given you. Thanks for letting me participate with you and here are your first 11 samples of what your rich tagline should communicate...I'd love to give you more for Free but I've already given you a great deal of my valuable time. And as you give (and I've given) so shall you recieve. Now imagine how you perceive the experience you believe will compel your customers to see themselves as they wear your jewelry. If you can imagine my friend are well on your way to not just selling more jewelry but you are on your way to giving far more than you could ever imagine to the eye hospital in South India. On top of that ---here's a bonus--- you will be creating a wealth of new friends I like to call Customer Clients and they might help you do so much more than you could ever do alone :- )

    The taglines below have the powerful potential to work for you because of what you suggested so please let me know what you Think as I serve you and help you in your mission of becoming successful!

    * Aloka Jewelry...the art of ancient craftsmanship.

    * Aloka Jewelry...the spice of the exotic.

    * Aloka eye opening experience.

    * Aloka Jewelry...with a touch of the lost cities.

    * Aloka Jewelry...hand-made and as exotic as the Indus River.

    * Aloka Jewelry...a Himalaya experience.

    * Aloka Jewelry...hand-made with an exotic touch of the lost cities.

    * Aloka Jewelry...where ancient lost cities overflow winding into rivers of gold & sliver jewelry and gemstones.

    * Aloka Jewelry...where ancient lost cities overflow winding into rivers of gold, sliver, & exotic gemstones.

    * Aloka Jewelry...where ancient lost cities overflow winding into rivers of gold, sliver, & gemstones.

    * Aloka Jewelry...a royal ancient experience handed down from generation to generation.

    I once read a landmark book from old times that had the most curious words about names that I had ever read. I read a lot you know and often critique books on Amazon...but the juxtaposition of the words written in this book "HIT ME" a little differently this time for some reason and I perked up and read them again nearly a dozen times. You know it struck me like a ginsue knife striking an avacado and here is what it said...

    "A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches..."

    Back in ancient times a name was a powerful tool that demonstrated something about the person or thing being named.

    The person who named it had authority over it.

    If actively and effectively "Decreed with Authority" that name would >>>>>>>PROJECT itself far into the future into many lives, villages and camps. Often times that name would still be heard and mentioned long after the individual's presence was gone. And so goes the existence of a great name because the purpose of a Great name is (please read on). In our day and age if a name is valuable enough it's name alone is invaluable and carries with it something POWERFUL...We call this power to influence things through a name... "Goodwill".

    Is that what you and your organization would like to happen with the name of your company?

    Would you like your name to arouse attention? Make peoples heads turn or their thoughts toward your product?

    Sure you would...then take giving your company a name to be a serious Endeavour and with that said remember "Every purpose is established by counsel..."

    My name arouses attention and that's because my mother did not chose my name by accident. She intentionally chose a name that was different. Even though I'm African American, Indian and White my name is neither African, Indian, European nor is Hebrew. Since Hebrew is one of the oldest languages still being used and spoken it evokes a voice from the past. When that name is present or listed among contemporary names fortunately for me it stands out as does my dark skin. The name my mother chose for me also has a powerful means "Jehovah does succeed".

    Do you want a name that's outstanding?

    Sure you do! Then chose your name wisely. And you would be wise to chose a name that stands out and at the same time tells a powerful story.

    So what is the story behind why you believe healthy food is important for children to eat? I know it may seem obvious but what is not obvious is "why you're deciding to enter into an industry full of healthy products without a name that carries with it a powerful story?"

    When I'm introduced to people they always say something like "that's different"..."women say that's pretty, I like that", Often times people who have not heard it before tie it to a name they associate with and then they'll say "did you say Jeremiah". This opens a huge door for me to clarify, re-communicate and often share my story about how I got the name.

    Do you think after a conversation like this people forget who I am? If you said no you're right!

    Now if I knew that I could help you get to a name that carries a message and resonates in the human heart. Something ancient and something powerful that will spin upon the ancient cords of our DNA causing all who hear it regardless of culture to remember it's sound from times past then I would be serving you most authentically.

    I know I haven’t' given you what you came here looking for originally. But if you've really heard what I've stated today you've just walked away with more than you could bargain for and it was all for Free, full of a lot of love because more than giving you a name I want you to become immensely prosperous with your new company. REMEMBER... our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. I'm only an email away from you if you need my help. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    *Caring Promotes Exuberance

    The PURPOSE of a GREAT NAME is...I-M-P-O-R-T-A-N-T and should not only be important to you but to everyone else that hear's the name.

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