
Topic: Taglines/Names

Rugby Fashion Brand, Front Up Needs A Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
FRONT UP is a new rugby fashion brand looking to fuse rugby with contemporary fashion to provide players and fans with something different expressive and unique.

Most rugby fashion is, in our opinion, uninspiring and lacks the creativity and inspiration of the modern high street.

So we're looking to shake up the market and to provide a new alternative to rugby fans.

We need a tagline to help communicate what we're about and to differentiate us from the market and set our 'stall out' as a young, confident, vibrant, creative inspirational/aspirational,fresh rugby brand.

As we are more fashion orientated than some of the usual rugby names that tend to concentrate on team kit our tagline and branding will be key to our success.

Any help/thoughts etc will be greatfully received.
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  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Juliet, let's hope so!

    TRY is great only there may be some confusion as yarn could also mean story or anecdote I think.

    Great concept Vic, thanks, only would an association with hooligans put people off?

    Thanks for your thoughts, any other ideas please let me know!
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks AJk. I should have perhaps said we have the logo/web etc up and running ( but unfortunately the marketing budget hasn't stretched as far as the tagline.

    We're thinkng of:

    Love Rugby// Stand Out
    Live.Play.Wear.Rugby (or something along these lines)
    Fusing rugby and fashion
    An upfront rugby brand
    Rugby's fashion alternative

    But none seem quite right. If anyone can suggest any others that might take us down the right way it would be great. Many thanks.

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks forcasey, some really useful thoughts there. As we're about off pitch tees/polos/sweats etc I don't think we want to imply any benefits to playing etc so something like clothes that match the game might work but loog good wouldn't.

    Hopefully we'll get there soon and thanks loads!
  • Posted on Author
    Can I ask what anyone thinks of these two, could you see either working?

    Giving rugby fans the edge.
    Love rugby.

  • Posted by bobhogg on Accepted
    Hi info...

    Sorry, but couldn't resist this suggestion:

    Rucking Fashion....

    ...just be careful how you say it!

    Good luck
  • Posted by jpoyer on Accepted
    I actually don't think the two you narrowed it down to really say what you want them to say.

    "Giving rugby fans the edge." and "Love rugby." just don't stand out -- you know what I mean? Your whole site, all of it, very trendy, very cool. Different. Expressive. Unique. Those two suggestions don't match that feel at all.

    Your -- Love Rugby//Stand Out ... is better ... I actually like it quite a bit. You need something cutting edge, or edgy to match your look and your stuff than "Giving rugby fans the edge" (plus then you limit to fans -- not necessarily players).

    The rugby fans and players I know are not softies. I don't know that softy would appeal to your audience.

    All that said, here are some more suggestions:
    Play Hard. Look Good.
    Rugby Now
    Live Rugby
    Live. Play. Rugby.

    Hope this helps,

    XPRT Creative

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