
Topic: Taglines/Names

Downtown Condo Cleaning Business.

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My best friend and I are starting a downtown condo cleaning service and would love some creative help! We offer a little added touch to the service- leaving flowers, dessert, or an appetizer - if this could help w/ a tagline. Downtown living is booming - very urban, modern and young. We want short, catchy and to the point. Thanks for helping!!
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    I'm intrigued.

    The flowers I get.

    But... If my new cleaner left me dessert or an appetiser, I'm not sure how I would view it. I mean, one minute you're cleaning my bathroom, next you're offering me chocolate mousse... Isn't that a bit weird?

    Have you actually tried this?

    Do customers value this add-on service?

    If you asked customers whether there was one extra thing above and beyond what a cleaner is normally expected to to, that they would value, would this be it?

    Maybe the tagline should be along the lines:

    XYZ Condo Cleaning
    Look for the little surprise we leave behind...

    What do you think?

    What is the name of your business?

    Knowing a bit more about it might help. In which city/country will it be operating?

    Hope that helps

  • Posted on Author
    I can see where you are coming frm w/ the food. On the other hand, my family loves when our cleaners bring us baked goodies. Your point is something to consider

    We need a NAME AND TAGLINE.

    Knoxville, TN
  • Posted on Author
    I agree w/ you about the "leaving behind" thing. I get the same thought in my head; at the same time I like that we do leave the added touch. I just don't know how to put it in an attractive manner.

    I think our main focus is finding the perfect name.

    Please continue w/ the help! Its very appreciated!
  • Posted on Author
    If it helps, our names are Natalie and Lauren.

    I like city cleaners and dirty deeds, as well as the tag.
  • Posted on Author
    I think we've come up w/ one:

    "Maid in Knoxville. A downtown luxury."


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