
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline Help Needed

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I work for a mid-sized consulting firm who is in the process of developing a new logo and would like to add a tagline to describe what we do. this is how we describe our services to our clients and potential clients:

My company is one of the Top 5 privately held technology consulting firms in the US, specializing in Professional Services, Business Solutions and Rightshore Capabilities. Our goals are to exceed our clients' expectations, provide a rich environment for employee growth and ensure the long-term financial stability and profitability of our company.

Basically what we do is IT staff augmentation to fortune 500 firms and offer IT project outsourcing services both on-shore, off-shore and near shore. My original thougth was:

Smart People-smart solutions (my husband did not like this one)
The right people, the right solutions
???service, people, solutions

Please keep in mind our greatest assest is our people and their skill set, and the clients we serve.

I look forward to your replies.
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    Your description is so full of buzz words that most readers likely wouldn't understand what you do. Your 'english' description is much more descriptive, so I would work off of that.

    If the tag line would be used in places where you want the logo and tag to describe what you do (no other supporting material with it), I would think you would want something that mentions IT.

    Here are some first shot suggestions (that likely won't work, but perhaps others can refine these):

    "On-shore/off-shore IT Outsourcing"
    "IT Outsourcing that Meets your Needs"
    "IT Outsourcing Specialists"

    ps - what is near shoring?
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member

    The Right Stuff in IT

    Global People for IT Solutions

    IT People for Global Solutions

    IT People To Go

    Have People, Will IT

    Hope this stimulates more ideas ..
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Princeton Information:
    Flexing your IT muscle.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Pardon me for being forthright here... But despite the Q's, I still don't hear a USP or UNIQUE differentiator coming out here.

    Everyone says their people are the difference. Problem is, they can't all be correct when they say that.

    Have you ever asked your customers why they buy from you over a competitor? This is what you need to know to understand what your VALUE PROPOSITION is to the customer. (i.e. The USP, but from your customer's viewpoint, which confirms the positioning)

    Develop a tagline based on a winning, real, deliverable Value Proposition - and it will be so totally convincing you will know it as soon as you see it.

    Jim Deveau's "5 Whys" are a good way to brainstorm it - asking your customers and checking it against an in-house group is another.

    So tell me - what is it?

  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    From reading all the posts so far, the one which jumps out at me, and my favorite, is:

    Making IT work

    (kudos to Michelle and jbtron)

    and you could build on this theme in your marketing matrerials, e.g.

    Getting IT done


    Getting IT right

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