
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name Of Restaurant Inside A Medical School

Posted by Anonymous on 150 Points
Two brothers need to register a name for a high end canteen and restaurant they are opening inside a prominent school of medicine. They will be selling canteen food for students, restaurant (ala carte) food for other clients and offer catering service for meetings, seminars and the like. Prospective clients are medical students, doctors, patients, patient's visitors. Any ideas?
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  • Posted by Billd724 on Member
    OK, this is a quick 'knee-jerk' response (sorry, no pun intended!)

    In medical parlance, gastroenterology or 'gastro' is where the business of digestion in the human body is conducted.

    The word 'gastro' has a similar sound to 'bistro' -- a quaint French eatery in which good food, served without undue pomp is readily available -- kind of a neighborhood joint but French, of course.

    So, perhaps "Le Gastro" or the "Gastro Bistro" would be names that reflect both the physiological focus (and, medical types love a good 'insider joke more than most -- been there / done that!) along with a somewhat upscale and playfully sophisticated reference to a quaint French eatery (French names always move L'Americains in the direction of sophistication, no?) would put a smile on their faces even before they put your food in their mouths.

    Anyway . . . just my offering . . . sounds like a fun place to grab some good food before seeing some patients or, visiting someone in the hospital -- best of luck with your venture!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    My gut reaction is to not try to be too clever. Can you use the name of the medical school and tack on a canteen/restaurant name at the end?

    Harvard Medical School Canteen
    Stanford Medical School Cafe

    If not, try the name of the school mascot or colors:

    Wolverines Canteen
    Hoosiers Cafe

    Of course there are many options for the "restaurant" word, and it can even be as general as "Place" or "Favorite," if you want to impart some kind of cache beyond the basic "eatery" communication.

    It's not clear to me that there's much upside to a catchy name in this case, and if you're not careful you could sound like a bad in-joke or like medical waste of some kind.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    Randall ...

    "Energy...Stat" sounds like a device to measure how much juice is left in my AA battery. We can do better than that!

    If I understand this right, the real uniqueness of this business is convenience for people who are at the medical school, so they won't have to leave the premises to grab something to eat. I'd look for something in the positioning to reassure them that the food isn't awful, or "hospital food." It's not like they have a choice of 5 great restaurants all within walking distance.

    P.S. I know "stat" is medspeak for "asap." But remember that part of the target audience is patients' visitors. That's why I would stay pretty straight on this one. Too many different target audiences to get cute.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Feed your body
    The cure for your hunger
    9 Out of 10 Doctors Eat Here
  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    The Duke Nourishment Center
    Chez Harvard
    Crimson Cafe
    Great Plates at Yale
    The Stanford Aroma Factory

    If you can tie-in the name of the hospital/school, that will help a lot ... and make it sound local/friendly, not like some national chain that's bought some real estate in the hospital.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Maybe incorporate the word "Scrubs"

    Scrubs Canteen
    Scrubs Diner
    Scrubs ala carte
    Scrubs & Spoons, Scrubs & ???
    Scrubs & Eats or Scrub & Eat

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