
Topic: Taglines/Names

Brokerage Firm Newsletter Title

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello, I need help. And quickly! I just got promoted to being the Executive Coordinator for a Life Insurance Brokerage Firm. We are a smaller business (of about 50 employee's) but growing rapidly. So to keep everyone up with changes and things I came up with the idea of a newsletter. But of course I can not think of a catchy title. I want it to be something that is cool and not corny. Something for professionals and people in their 20's-40's but not fit for a teenagers.

Please help and thank you!
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  • Posted on Author
    What about a tagline as well... I guess I never thought of that. But it could be helpful with the "catchiness" of it all...
  • Posted on Accepted
    The Policy Post
    The In Crowd
    Live In Life
    In-Line News
    Life Update

    Hope this helps a little.

    Good Luck,
    Promo Chic
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Life Lines: Planning for a Your Future
    We've Got You Covered
    Peace of Mind: What Else Can We Do For You

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