
Topic: Taglines/Names

Underprivileged Children's Handicraft Products....

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
This is a movement providing vocational training to underprivileged children to make handicraft products. We have produced quite lot of goods and just to sale it in an exhibition...i think there should be a name and tagline which afterwards will become the brandname for all the products that are being made by underprivileged children.
Its quite urgent because still logo and cards and banners have to printed....Please help me in helping those kids for a better future.....

Note: A name and tagline should be such that it is specifying the purpose and showing that this handicraft products are not ordinary but made by underprivileged children and emotions attached to it....
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  • Posted by StarsDie on Accepted
    Not sure, but this is what came to my mind:

    Handmade Hope.
    The World We Dream About.

    This is a good thing you're doing, I wish you all the best.

  • Posted on Member
    Best of luck, it sounds like a great endeavor.

    I suggest something simple that people will rember. Somethint with a familiar ring like:

    Made by hand, crafting futures
  • Posted on Author
    Geographical Region: Asia, India, Gujarat

    StarsDie......- I really liked your homework but can suggest still some more please please.....somethings shorter ?? Please..Its too very urgent....

    DjBeth- Its a wonderful tagline along with that can you give me a name too...???

    Forcasey- I want something short and sweet kind know....umm..i dont know how to explain it out...but hope you get it....
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Kids' Future
    Handcrafted by Kids: Help Build Their Future
    Crafting My Future
    Give Kids a Chance
    Child's Delight
    Children International
    Kids Kooperative
    Little Hand Crafted
    Small Hands
    Small Hands Make Big Things
    Small Loving Hands
    Small Hands, Big Hearts.
    Small Hands, Big Future.
  • Posted by StarsDie on Accepted
    In fact, I meant "Handmade Hope" as a name
    and "The World We Dream About" as a tagline.
    Do you want a one-word name? Or a shorter tagline?

    In that case, I think you could use "Handmade Hope" or some other 2-word thing as a tagline, going after 1-word name. Slogan usually must be a bit longer than the name itself, for better perception.

    If that's a one word for the name, then either you invent some name that doesn't exist yet or use some general notion to convey the feeling of hope, light, future - something like that.


    A handmade hope

    or something similar.

    All the best,

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