
Topic: Taglines/Names

Brilliant Marketing Message

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

We are a two years young company focused on exploring RFID technology to offer complete solution for segments like Healthcare, Retail & Jewellary, Manufacturing, Enterprise Assets and Library/Document Tracking.
Our value proposition has been that we research, design, develop and manufacture most of our RFID hardware products like Multi-port Readers, Gate Scanners, Kiosks, Active Tags, etc.
We are looking for a punch line like Business Intelligence Message - it could be single or two lines which would convey the right message to our target customers.
Can you suggest few unique Brilliant Marketing Message?

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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    Instant Information on the Move

    Better Business thru Better Information

  • Posted by StarsDie on Member
    Information means success.
    Comprehensive solutions to advance your business process.


    Unique combination of information tools.
    Our comprehensive solutions to advance your business process.
  • Posted by Tracey on Member
    Understand your leads with business intelligence.
    Business intelligence turns your leads into sales.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Increasing Your Business Accuracy
    It's 9 p.m. - Do you know exactly where your product is?
    We find needles in haystacks.
    It's all in the details.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Hi Sunil!

    I think the two key message elements you need to get across are:

    1. Track stuff.
    2. No wires.

    I wouldn't consider the BI path you suggested because the whole area is full of gobbledygook, meaningless management-speak nobody really understands. I don't know why they write like that.

    Someone sent me a brochure on a BI platform today and asked what I thought. I couldn't even understand what they were trying to say it could do. Value propositions and tag lines need to be instantly "gettable", not 4-gettable.

    Perhaps the old retail axiom of 'Pile them high and price them low' can be adapted. RFID is generally about tracking goods in one way or another so the proposition might be along the lines of:

    'Rack 'em, Stack'em, Move'em, Count 'em. No wires.'

    Which denotes RFID's ability to keep tally of what's being produced, warehoused, shipped or sold, without touching or cabling.


    Count what you make, store or sell. Without wires.

    It's simple, explains what you have to offer, and anybody can understand it.

    I hope that helps.

    BTW - I love Jay's idea of "It's 9 p.m. - Do you know exactly where your product is?" It's a great headline for a white paper, website or blog article. It's too complex and powerful to be confined to the tagline.


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