
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Tag Line For An Office Equipment Supplier

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need a good tag line or slogan to use for an office equipment company. The name of the company is "Greene's Business Machines" and they sell, service, and repair office machines like copiers, printers, etc.

Looking for something quirky that will set them apart from the other hum-drum all-look-alike companies who are their competition.
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  • Posted on Author
    forcasey, Your advice about a quality to set the business apart is well taken. Thank you for bringing that up because you are absolutely right.

    The business is well established in the area (since 1975) and recognized for their expertise and service. But then, the truth is that several of the other local suppliers are recognized as well. We want an innovative tag line for their new web site that expresses the fact that they are a cut above the rest. As a graphic designer and site coder, I am lacking in the marketing department and not clever when it comes to putting these ideas into snappy words.
  • Posted on Member
    your 1 stop shop for office supplies & services.
  • Posted on Member
    Just an observation:

    How about changing the name of the company? I bet this company has been in business for a long time (just reread that it was established in 1975---I had guessed 1960's-70's). Greene Business Machines is a very dated name. It immediately makes me think of IBM Selectrics and adding machines.

    You need to consider brand equity etc in the old name but it might be worthwhile to think about coming into this century. Then you can come up with a great complimentary tagline.

    Sorry to go off topic.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    We fixed your parent's equipment. We'll be fixing your child's as well.

    In 1975 we sold mimeographs. We sell new stuff now.

    Over 30 years of satisfied customers

    Old-fashioned service.

    We make time for you.
  • Posted on Author
    My apologies for taking so long to answer back. I was waiting till after talking about this decision with the company owners.

    We have decided to use the line: "Let Us Outfit Your Office For Success"

    That may sound a bit odd, unless you see the imagery used along with their logo. If you are curious see ....
    The tag line fit in with the dressing-for-success theme in the imagery ..... meaning that Greene's could dress (outfit) your office for success.

    Although we didn't go with any one of your tag line suggestions, all of your ideas contributed to the brain-storming session. And I must say that casey's advice to us about keeping the line centered around a the QUALITY that sets the company apart, was taken very seriously and led to our final decision. Thank you Casey for this valuable advise. And thank you all for your input!

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