
Topic: Taglines/Names

Curb Appeal Yard Renovation Company In Charleston

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
I am a successful real estate agent in beautiful Charleston, SC on the coast and am thinking about starting a new venture to enhance the curb appeal of homes that are not selling. The idea being to solicits business from sellers who have poor curb appeal and offer them a renovation to enhance the sell ability of the home by re-landscaping the yard. It would also be offered as a service to home owners who we are pursuing to list their home as well. I need a very catchy name for the business... THANKS!!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
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  • Posted by steveg on Accepted
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  • Posted by BlueSage on Member
    I would suggest you kill your idea. Think how it sounds. And since with most homeowners, there is a female involved, and assuming they don't SEE the word but hear it...not good.

    Renovate to Sell

    Curb Creations

    Sell it fast with Curb Appeal

  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    Go with a name that suggests the benefit -- "your house will be worth more/sell faster" -- rather than the 3-guys approach or something about the lawn or the landscaping.

    Question: How are you going to market the service? Is this a door-to-door sales call, or an ad in the paper, or a direct mail campaign, or something else? You need to develop business and marketing strategies/plans before you get too far down the road.

    Are you thinking you might make some money on the service itself? How much are you prepared to invest? What kind of return do you expect on your investment?

    It seems that starting with the name is a little backward. Usually the name comes after the marketing strategy and positioning.

  • Posted by Clive Fernandes on Member
    Dear Dan,

    I agree with the majority above that the name/tagline should include the benifit your service is providing - increasing the selling value of the home after the remodel.

    On those lines I would like to suggest

    Name : Better Homes
    Tag : Better Homes sell for more.

    Hope this helps.

    Clive Fernandes
    Clive Fernandes Consulting
  • Posted by pmw on Member
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