
Topic: Taglines/Names

In Need Of Hvac Company Name And Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
We will be spinning off from a different HVAC company and need to create a new name and tag line (brand image) for ourselves. Our management team has been coming up with a few names, but haven't found one that seems to fit. We are looking for any others suggests on a company name and/or tag line.

We are a HVAC (heating, ventilating and air conditioning) company that will focus on providing our industrial and commercial customers with HVAC controls, service and contracting. (We don't do any residential services).

We appreciate all and any help. Thanks in advance for your time.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Industrial Cool
    Commercial Air Quality Contractors
    Industrial Air Consultants
    It's In The Air: Commercial HVAC Contractors
    Air of Business: Commercial HVAC Contractors
  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    You have not defined your primary target audience very well, and it's not clear what the need is that you'll be addressing. Without those it's a fool's errand to try to name your company or come up with a tagline.

    Are you operating in a limited area? If so, you might want to let people know that, so you appear local and familiar.

    What is it your target audience wants/needs most from an HVAC company? How will they know if you're any good? What makes you any different from others in your area in the same business? Why should they call you?

    Your business positioning needs to deal with the key benefit you offer your target audience. And your name and tagline need to support that positioning.

    Just coming up with a bunch of names that say "HVAC" is a waste of time. How will you know if we come up with a winner? What criteria will you use to select the name?

    You need to answer these questions before we can give you useful input.

    We really do want to help, but throwing names against the wall isn't help. Give us a solid target, and we'll get you there.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the suggestions. I really like the idea of having "Air Quality" in there and like the name of Commercial Air Quality. Also, the tagline of "When only the best will do" would pair nicely with a name that has Air Quality in it.

    To mgoodman: We are an HVAC company that only deals with Industrial and Commerical customers in the Healthcare, Education, Government and Retail Vertical Markets.

    We only operate in Northwest Ohio and Southern Michigan right now, however, we did not want to have any sort of geographic region as part of our company name. We have had that before and it does not work well, it can be limiting when you are trying to expand to other surrounding areas, b/c they don't think you operate in their area.

    We offer our customers HVAC controls (which are becoming more advanced and high-tech. computer system software for operating your HVAC equipment on timers and have touch screens and alerts that can be sent to someones pagers/cell phone when a piece of equipment is not operating to its potential). We also have a crew of Service Technicians that come out and work on your HVAC equipment and along with that are service contracts.

    Since we already have a large database of customers, we are fairly confident that many of our customers will be loyal to us, because we have been known for our outstanding customer service. So we are now just looking for a new name as we are spinning off from a different HVAC company who sells the actual equipment that we can install and service. I hope this helps explain more of what we do; I was trying to be short and concise, so if this does not help, please do not waste your time.

    Thanks again to those who have posted suggestions. We are looking for something different/unique. Not just Joe Schmo's Heating and Air (sounds too much like a mom & pop place which we are not).
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    From what I know about your industry, the main backbone is the digital control system. Many of your customers know this as well..

    here are a couple of thoughts..
    Digital Enviroments - Air Quality Accuracy

    Comercial Enviromental Systems

    I am interested if your business model is integrated-distributor or contractor. Contact me via my profile.
  • Posted on Member
    I read your inquiry with interest. I'm (10,000 taglines and counting) and have created branding concepts and campaigns for hundreds of companies. It is critical that you flesh out your brand position, message, and promise first before commencing with any creative work. Your brand name and expression need a strong foundation and a clear rationale if you want them to resonate and last! Feel free to contact me.
  • Posted on Author
    There were a few responses that really help with tossing around name and tagline ideas so I accepted four answers... I like to spread the wealth! I will share all ideas with our brand management team. Thank you all for your suggestions and eagerness to help. Your time and thoughts are very much appreciated!

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