
Topic: Taglines/Names

Creative Newsletter Name

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi, I need to create a name for my company's newsletter. Here are the details...
We are a B2B company. We are a sales rep and distributor for manufacturers of industrial automation hardware and software. We provide sales, technical support and training for the software and hardware products we represent. We sell our vendors products in many different vertical markets. The newsletter will be a bimothly email informing our customers of new product developments, best practices and technologies.
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  • Posted on Member
    How 'bout
    "THE EDGE"

    This reminds your vendors the importance of being "cutting edge" as well as some help in inspiring them to enjoy "having the edge" if they work with you.

    Getting it on email, you can imagine someone physically "on the edge of their seats" (physically as well as inspirationally waiting on your news).

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    It's Automatic
    Automatic Improvements
    Things Are Improving - Automatically

  • Posted by Ali Mustafa on Member
    Point of Present (PoP)

    As you said that the newsletter will be bimonthly informing your customers about new product development ect.. so i prefer this name as it will talk about whats present in the market.. hope it will help you.

  • Posted on Member
    Since automation increases efficiency and reduces mistakes by controlling the scope for "Human error" in manufacturing etc....

    You could call the magazine names like-

    e-assembly (Automated assembly line)

    and things like that ! OR are these too casual sounding ?

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    The Control Station..

    or a spin off of the magazine which serves the industril..
    Instead of Managing Automation...
    how about
    The March of Automation

    I am a consultant who serves your industry. I would like to speak to you about where you get the content for your newsletter. Many distributor newletters run out of gas after about the 4-5th issue.

    And, without good non-advertising content, customers quit reading them.

    I would love to chat with you on this... and can be reached via my profile.
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Steve

    I agree with the points made in the post by SMILE.

    I feel a lot depends on the content information you intend to provide to your target market.

    Obviously the design style of your newsletter is relevant. Will it be electronic and hard copy ?

    I would try something like "The Word" and you could sub head using all the 'ations' like Innovation, Inspiration, Automation, Motivation etc.

    The Word implies 'expert' in the field of......

    translate scotland

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