
Topic: Taglines/Names

Start Up Company Name

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am looking to start a company dealing in natural products i.e. stone/marble/timber.

The eventual finished article will be home and garden furniture with a distinct individual design to each piece.

I wanted to reflect this in the comapny name. The phrase "Mother nature and Father time" springs to mind, as the mother nature covers the raw materials (all natural) and the Father time relates to the aging process(ancient stone/marble)

My challenge is that I wish to convey the idea of each peice being more of an art form. As stated before it will also be unique. Is there any way of marrying my Mother nature/Father time as the company name with "design", "lifestyle", "synchronicity" in the tag line or the company name.

Would appreciate any ideas or tips on how to make sense to the potential customer.

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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member
    Keith, sure there are many ways to do it and you'll find some interesting approaches just looking at some of this weeks questions in Know How Exchange, centered around name changes and others who are in search of a good name for their company or product.

    One thing that becomes very important when your putting names together Keith is "How would you like for your customers to think of you"? or How do you think your customers will see the work you do? What kind of clients would you like to attract to your business Keith? and what kind of work are you trying to do for your clients? These are only a few of the questions that becomes important to answer as you marry the right words together to form a company name. Your goal should be to create a name that will take you places.

    I'm sure some of the other pros will recommend some additional great approaches.

    I'm learning myself that coming up with a great name is more than just getting great words that sound good together to fit. But if you are looking for a great software program that I've used in the past to assist me in marrying words together this can be found at I hope this gives you some food for thought. Is there anything else I can do for you? Deremiah, *CPE.
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member
    Keith, feel free to use this.


    Mother Nature & Father Time

    (Name with tag line)

    Mother Nature & Father Time- Furniture with Natural designs

    Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Deremiah, *CPE
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member
    Keith, Kwinters makes a very good point!

    With that said here's a couple that came to me while I was working out this morning. (a variation of the same but worded differently in the first recommendation).

    Designs of the Times - Natural furniture that's hand made to last.

    Designs of the Times - Hand made furniture that's elegantly made naturally to last.

    End Time Furniture - Natural Furniture made with the end of time in mind.

    End Time Furniture - Hand made Furniture created naturally with the end of time in mind.

    In one furniture is in the tagline in the other furniture is in the name. How do you like it Keith? Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Deremiah, *CPE
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Definitely use TT's advice about brainstorming. Spend eight-nine cents on a pack of index cards, then write one word on each card. Scatter them around, rearrange them, but don't throw any away. Keep some blanks in your pocket so you can add new words when they pop into your head. Examples:

    Unique, style, one-of-a-kind, expensive, timeless, custom, quality, status, rare, impressive, comfort, lasting, wonder, craft, artisan, inventive, retreat, luxury, relax, setting...

    The name you end up with may not use ANY of the words in your stack. It may use a character, place, animal, even a sound or food that REFLECTS the image you want to convey. Examples:

    Walden, Montana, daVinci, Winchester, Chinchilla, Crescendo.

    Weird ideas, yes, but this is always fun!

    If you have a website with photos of your work, you should put a link up for us. I'll bet this community would get inspired by what they can see.
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    I don't think I can add to the great advice above, but I can spit out a few ideas:

    Mother Nature Studios- Fine Art Furniture

    Studio: Earth - Natural Furniture Creations

    Timeless Creations - Natural Expressions in Fine Furniture

    Earthen Expressions- Fine Furniture, Natural Design

    la Tierra Studios -

    Natural Expressions

    Sticks and Stones - Natural Furniture, Timeless Designs

    Just off the top of my head...

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