
Topic: Taglines/Names

Title For Newsletter For Email Marketing Service

Posted by Neil on 2500 Points

I am the marketing manager for StreamSend Email Marketing service. The email newsletter will focus on marketing in general with, of course, a focus on email marketing in particular.

We are a permission-based email marketing service. StreamSend's tag line is this:
"Email Marketing by Marketers, for Marketers"

We need a very good name for this email newsletter. Someone suggested "Bull's-Eye, Brought to You by StreamSend" but I think we can do much better.

The name of the newsletter should be professional yet catchy. I am trying to *avoid* cutesy or corny though, of course, those terms are open to interpretation. Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Marketing Secrets
    Marketing Successes
    Marketing Insider Tips
    Marketing Breakthroughs
    More Customers, Less Work
    Know Thy Customer
    Marketing Watch
  • Posted on Accepted
    Here are a few title suggestions, with a couple of tag line options:

    The Dispatch
    Marketing Dispatch
    Marketing Confidential
    Email Marketing Confidential
    Email Intelligence Report
    Email Intelligence
    Email Confidential
    Marketing That Delivers – News and tactics from StreamSend
    Take Aim – Hit your target with marketing tactics from StreamSend
    Extreme Marketing - StreamSend strategies for maximum results

    Good luck!
  • Posted on Accepted
    News Stream
    Marketing Stream
    Keeping You Current
  • Posted by Nancy Fareed Moreno on Accepted
    Marketers are the toughest audience so I think you need to keep it simple with a clear benefit. How about:

    Marketing outside the box by StreamSend

    Email strategies for Marketers by...

    Blue sky email marketing strategies by...

    Email marketing and beyond by...

    Nancy Fareed
    Circle Marketing International

  • Posted on Member
    Opt In
    --E-newsletter for Email Marketing

  • Posted on Member
    I'd go w/ catchy. Here's a few ideas! Good luck!

    Stream It

    Stream Team

    Stream Team Tips
  • Posted on Member
    Marketing On Target
    The Target

  • Posted on Member
    Hitting the Target
    On Your Marks...
    Sharp Shooting
  • Posted by Neil on Author
    A lot of great ideas have come in so far. Since such fantastic ideas are flowing in I am going to keep this question open a bit longer.
  • Posted by Hans De Keulenaer on Accepted
    The first and foremost mantra of marketing is to be customer-oriented. You're targeting marketeers, who cannot be reminded often enough of this basic requirement.

    My 2 cents:

    The customer connection
    Connecting with customers
  • Posted on Member
    eStream News

    There are so many other great ideas, this is all I've got.
  • Posted on Member
    Anything like this, you have to make it about them, not you. If you want to get interest, it's got to be about the hot button things they want to know. Make each one different. One newsletter about "Subject lines nobody can ignore" another about "Sale copy: how to ask for the sale" or "Build brand loyalty in 10 minutes".
    Whatever your newsletter is about, that's got to be the subject line.
    For a permanent tagline, it should be something that shows a clear benefit to them. "Our subscribers earn 28 percent more than the national average", "Our subscribers save 39 percent on their advertising budgets", or "Cut your advertising budget in half with our email marketing advice". Whatever it is, it should hit home with them, whatever the numbers are.
    The point is, permission based email marketing is sending to targeted customers they have already paid to get. There's no better or targeted market, and you've got to simply show them the numbers. Emphasize how many combined years of experience you have in the business.
    A tagline should convey confidence, experience, and most of all how you can help them succeed.

    "In the business of building your success"

    "We are the Email experts for over 12 years"

    "In the business of sharing success"

    "We share the email marketing secrets to cut your advertising costs in half"

    "Double your sales with the power of email marketing".

    The writing of good sales copy is reaching people and giving them the reason to go with you. Ask for the sale and just come out and say what you'll do for them in one sentence.
  • Posted by Neil on Author
    Nick, just to clarify, these are *already* clients and subscribers.

    Our goal is to send our clients useful content. To quote from my original post:

    "The email newsletter will focus on marketing in general with, of course, a focus on email marketing in particular."

    We do hope this effort inspires even greater customer loyalty and referrals than before.
  • Posted on Member
    Right Click
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hi Neil,

    hope you're having a great day because there's nothing more important than you having a wonderfully Exuberant life. I'm enjoying mine and I hope you and your customers get yours because you all deserve it!

    I've read through this post of interesting responses. So please enjoy what I have to share and if something grabs your attention that's cool...because I love it when my customers sense that I really do care about their business and the answers I give them. If your business isn't growing neither is mine.

    So here are a dozen (actually 32) thought provoking titles I would use in my headlines to those who read my syndicated column. In the best headlines of newspaper and magazine writers you'll find the best try to limit their words. Some of the sweetest titles fall within the "Rule of 3". Now if you can get your newsletter down to three words that's really creative and really cool. You'll see a couple of my 3 word headlines below. So relax and get your favorite drink as I pour you a taste of what's on my mind for your customers. And if what I have to share doesn't move you that's okay's no pressure.

    Maximize Your Marketing

    Trigger Based Marketing

    Robust Marketing

    Marketing Plus

    The Marketing Revolution

    Make My Marketing

    The Power of Marketing

    The Power Email

    Lessons in Email Marketing

    The Magic of Marketing

    Magic Email Marketing

    Advanced Marketing Techniques

    Trigger Happy Marketing

    Powerful Email Marketing

    Pull The Trigger Marketing

    The Marketing Master

    Master Email Marketing

    Open Eye Marketing

    Marketing The Future

    The Future of Email Marketing

    Visionary Email Marketing

    Dive N Marketing

    Your Marketing Ocean

    Evocative Marketing

    Evocative Email Marketing

    Enticing Marketing

    Enticing Email Marketing

    Are You Marketing

    Influential Marketing

    Influential Email Marketing

    Persuasive Marketing

    Persuasive Email Marketing

    Neil...REMEMBER... our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. I'm only an email away from you if you need further guidance, direction or you'd just like to talk more about it. You see I love it when my customers are happy. Are you happy yet? Is this information helping you? Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant,

    Lovingly Deremiah *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Neil on Author
    Wow. While I have responded to a lot of questions in this forum, this is the first I have asked. I am very impressed with the quality of the answers so far and passion of the responses. Thanks.

    I am going to keep this open for just a bit longer as this is a lot fun to see these ideas come flowing in!
  • Posted by bdggmg on Member
    Stream Lines
  • Posted by bdggmg on Member
    Turning Point
    Streaming Insight
    Point of Views
    Brain Food
    Word of Mouth
  • Posted on Member

    I have some names to you:

    - Enrich To Lead.
    - iMarketing, or The iMarket.
    - The Market Eye.
    - Market Mirror.
    - Done Marketing!
    - Market Penetrated.
    - Now Marketing.

    Tag: Valuable emails are out of the junk.

    Best regards,
    Eng.Mohammad Aboali
    Strategy, and Marketing Consultant
  • Posted on Member
    Hello again,

    take these,

    - eMarketing Care.
    - eMarketing ICU.
    - eMarketing First Aid.
    - eMarketing Surge.
    - eMarketing Clinic.

    Sorry My father is a Doctor ;-)

  • Posted by Neil on Author
    There were a lot of good responses but I figure I had to choose some that I personally liked the best. Thanks to all.

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