
Topic: Taglines/Names

Ugh, Another Realtor Needs A Tagline.

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Sorry to be one of five million realtors who wants a tagline...

Here's my situation
-Name is Jessica Beganski (pronounced like it's spelled)
-Agent for three years, central Connecticut area, work with buyers and sellers.
-Generally work with first-time buyers and not too many sellers but don't want to alienate either one if possible.
-Lifelong CT resident with background in marketing & communications but don't know anything about writing a tagline
-Passionate about animal rescue and have been toying with the idea of creating a niche market around pet owners - have three mutts and am editor for a magazine for a pet welfare group.
-My three dogs are two german shepherd mixes and a pointer (everyone knows I have three dogs and that I'm a dog person).
-Along with that, I'm in the process of reformatting my real estate blog to have content for both home buyers/sellers and pet owners. May call it CT Real Estate Unleashed or Pawsitively Connecticut. For the current site, go to [inactive link removed] and you'll get some idea of who I am, although please be gentle - it needs work.
-Most of my clients have owned at least one pet.
-I'm also technology and numbers driven - I get along really well with engineers. This is an important differentiation within real estate but not sure how to tie that in with everything else or if I even should.

My goal with the tagline would be to use it in my self-promotion pieces - business cards, blog, brochures, listing sheets, and the limited advertising I do. I have a cheesy photo already but I have to have my picture taken again so I'd like to have my cheesy photo go along with my tagline.

Thanks for your help!

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted on Author

    Thanks for your response. I have given it some thought but I'm not always the most confident in my slogan writing abilities.

    Here's what I've considered:

    Ahead of the Pack
    A New Breed of Realtor
  • Posted on Member
    Nice blog! Would be better if you self host your site instead of using because it is easier to brand and type the address.

    Here's some tags

    Looking out for you every step of the way
    Helping you succeed
    We help you get the best deals
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks - I am working to move the blog from a wordpress hosted site - it is important as I move forward.

    Thanks for your ideas.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    How about...

    - Homes with pedigree

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Doggedly Finding Real Estate Opportunities
    Bottom-Line Real Estate Results
    Best Homes For 2 and 4-Legged Owners
  • Posted on Author
    Another good one, although I may be a little hesitant to use pedigree when selling homes because that may suggest I'm guaranteeing the quality of the home.

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