
Topic: Taglines/Names

Real Estate Team

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello!!! I am a REALTOR in New England area. I specialize in all aspects of real estate, and I am currently in lawschool. I'm in my early twenties, so branding a young face to a profession can be hard at times. I work with a team of REALTORS, and I do all the office admin and buyer representation, however we also take care of our sellers, too... We are big into new construction and land development. We focus in all of New England, but primarily one specific county. What is a good tag line, or something to go along with our Team Name??? Or, better yet, some sort of logo for me that would show young, smart, motivation, excell... As you see, I'm STUCK!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Because your team doesn't have a specific niche, it's hard to create something on-target.

    Our team pulls for you (logo: horses or sled dogs)
    We know (county name) inside and out
  • Posted on Author
    Appreciate your responses. However, if you held your broker's license for so long, you ought to realize that TEAMS of Realtors get together to be able to serve ALL NEEDS of clients. We each bring something different yet beneficial to the table, so yes, it is hard to pin-point exactly what we specialize in- yet that should allow a broad spectrum of suggestions. You don't know me one bit, so don't suggest that I'm not ready for this career. I've been in real estate for six months and have produced more than some have in six years. I actually DO know a bit about real estate.
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Member
    What's your TEAM NAME? Do you have a website? What county are you in?

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