
Topic: Taglines/Names

Looking For Short (2-4 Word) Catchy Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm in need of a short (2-4 word) tag line for a For Sale By Owner property selling web based company. Basically paying users will use our website to list their properties for sale without the use of a Realtor. We are in the very early stages of building this company. Just started putting together site design ideas this week. Some areas we are looking to highlight with this tag line include: the customer saves/makes more money selling on their own instead of paying the Realtor commission, customer is in control of their property, they know their own home better than a Realtor. The site branding is more of a professional look with the hopes of communicating optimism, trustworthiness, dependability, and security. Properties listed could include anything from a single family home to land/lots to a duplex. Not focusing on large commercial buildings.

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  • Posted by mdlugozima on Member
    We tell, you sell.
    Cut out the "meddleman".
    No commission just results.

    Question: is the slogan for buyers as well? Is this the slogan that goes on the homepage? If so then it needs to be beneficial to not only sellers, but buyers. If it's a slogan just to get sellers to use your service, the above slogan might work. And why only 2 - 4 words? That's tight.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Your place, full price.

    Sell your home. Pay yourself.

    Keep the money at home.

    Want a fatter check? Connect direct.

    Home-buyer match-up

    Sell your place face-to-face

    Quick match. More cash.

    Find. Connect. Deal direct.

  • Posted on Author

    Sorry I didn't mention that before, but yes we would like the slogan to be something that is attractive to both buyers and sellers.

    The reason for a short slogan is that we grew pretty fond of eBay's most recent slogan "Shop Victoriously". It was short, got to the point, clever and very easy to remember, but that is also why I am here. For the life of us we could not come up with something as short and clever. However we are open to any and all ideas.

    One idea we've recently been throwing around is marketing the site as an eHarmony or type of service. Matching buyers and sellers together.

    Also, we would like to stay away from words such as quick, fast or cash.

    Thanks for responses so far. We really appreciate any help we can get. Already a couple ideas here that we hadn't thought of.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Be Your Own Realtor
    I Can Sell It Myself
    Sell It Propertly
    Recoup Your Sweat Equity
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Member
    Sell, Buy, Bye.
    Have at it.
    Meet your match.
    Be direct.
  • Posted by bdggmg on Accepted
    No One Knows Better than You
    Where You Call the Shots
    Homeowner Matchmaking
    Value to the People
    The Power of YOU
    Two-gether You Can
    Bringing Homeowners Together
  • Posted on Member
    Try this - "Matches are made in heaven , we only facilitate" :-?
  • Posted by bdggmg on Accepted
    Maybe it would help if we knew the name of your company. Certainly would keep us from being redundant. In the meantime, I thought of one more.

    Your Home-Sweet-Home to Buy and Sell
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the help everyone. Some of these responses have motivated a new vision brainstorm session. Thanks again. This site worked wonders. I guarantee we'll be back with more creative idea needs.

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