
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline Needed For Xbox Rock Band Tshirts

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I need help with a tagline. It could go in a lot of different directions.

My 16 year old son moved to Texas from California for the ice hockey season to play on a highly competitive travel team. He is living with a host family that includes a husband and wife who are very into fitness---eat “perfectly”, work out incessantly (they are ironman triathletes), etc. In their effort to expand my son’s “optimal athlete” palate, they have introduced him to sushi. They are incredible people and also play in an X-Box game called “Rock Band” with him regularly. They named “their” band “Raw Fish.”

I want to have tshirts made with the band name “Raw Fish” and some clever tagline/slogan.

Any ideas? Is there any other info I can provide to help your creative processes?

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  • Posted on Author
    I like Breakfast of Champions line of thought...

    I guess the major "themes" I am trying to somehow incorporate are:
    The whole healthy eating thing
    Champion or excellence is really good
    Family-- somehow integrating that this host family have become his family (without necessarily using the word family).
    The game they are playing called "Rock Band" is an XBox 360 game-- like advanced karokee :-) They have guitars, singing and drumming.

    They are triathletes here in Texas, my son (Kevin) is an ice hockey player for Dallas Stars.... the "new" mom has no biological children and calls Kevin her son... new "dad" has two older kids he doesn't get along with super well so Kevin WANTING to hang out with them is like a really big deal to them.... just trying to think of as much info as I can to get you all thinking.

    I can't even believe this forum exists. This is tooooooooooo incredible!!!!!!!!
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    We eat rice and we're real nice.
    Our music cooks but we don't.
    Sushi and the Banshees (joke)
    You can't be beat if that's what you eat!
    Kelp when you need it.
    Raw energy!
    Eat well. Play well. Stay well.
    Rock 'n California Roll!
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Rock N' Roll
    Drum Roll
    Playing With Baited Breath
  • Posted on Accepted
    What a fun and enriching experience for your son!

    I have an idea that would incorporate the name, a logo, and the tagline as well...

    The logo would be the family and your son's head on fish bodies playing instruments.

    "Raw Fish-Rock and Roll Family Style"

    Do you have the resources you need to get the t-shirt created? If not, I am certain that the folks on this board could help you there as well!

    Good luck!

    Mac Cassity
  • Posted by bdggmg on Accepted
    Raw Fish
    Play It
    Eat It
    Live It
    Wear It Well

    Raw Fish

    Raw Fish
    Gym Membership
    Taking Care of Our Son

    Confucious say: You will live life of good health, raw fish and never ending xbox rock bands.
  • Posted on Author
    Wow. These are great. I will send them to kevin for his input. Does this forum have some sister site that does logo creation?

    I REALLY appreciate your thoughtful ideas and am amazed at your collective talents.
  • Posted by bdggmg on Member
    The only logo sites of which I am aware are more for the corporate world, and there's a charge.

    There are any number of clip art sites (Microsoft has a great one), where you can grab free clip art. An edgy fish is all you need. Add the type in an equally edge font, complete with color, and you'll be done.

    I'm sure you know you can buy the t-shirt transfers at any office supply or craft store. You can print out from your computer or at Kinko's.

    Good luck!
  • Posted on Member
    Cheap logos, can't be beat, on ebay. Do a search for logo design and you will see auctions for as low as $20 for a finished logo. Based on some of the ideas above, I am certain you can provide the designer with enough to go on...I have used several designers on there with amazing results...

    Once you get the logo, is where I would recommend you go for the shirts unless you have a relationship with a local company. Zazzle lets you upload the design on the shirt, add text, see what it looks like on a model (very cool feature) and then you can order it on shirts, hats, mugs, whatever. Quick shipping, excellent service, quality products.

    Mac Cassity
  • Posted on Author
    THANKS!!!! GREAT Ideas!!!!!
  • Posted on Author
    THank you again for all your efforts. You are all so wonderful. It was hard to choose. Kevin finally went with Breakfast of Champions.

    THANK YOU!!!!

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