
Topic: Taglines/Names

Real Estate Team Name & Tagline Needed

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My partner and I are two women in our early thirties starting up our real estate team. We are having a hard time coming up with a team name that works...My last name is Benitez and my partner's is Ramirez. We are considering "Ramirez & Benitez." But we don't know how the public will respond.

We would like to receive some suggestions for our tag line / slogan to include in all our advertising. We have been in the real estate business for 6 years. We have resale & new construction experience.

Any input would be appreciated! Thanks!
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  • Posted by mdlugozima on Member
    Call YOUR PHONE NUMBER HERE and request the R & B favorites!

    Question: Do you serve an hispanic client base? Could you get away with using spanish in your tagline?
  • Posted on Member
    EZ Real Estate (plays off of the letters in your last names)
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Instead of naming your business after you, name it after what you specialize in: residential or commercial real estate. For example, "R&B Commercial Real Estate".

    The tagline should focus on a primary benefit you provide. You have 6 years of experience - what unique thing can your past clients say about working with you both?
  • Posted on Member
    I think your team name selection depends on what your long term goal is. Do you ultimately plan to open up your own brokerage? If so, think about a name that has longevity for your local area. If you are thinking you are going to "try working as a team" to share costs then I would keep it simple.

    You didn't say what your first names were. It may make sense to play off those. The challenge for real estate teams is to figure out exactly what they are going to be and treat the entire exercise as a NEW long term business.
  • Posted on Author
    First, I would like to say Thank you to all that have responded to our posting! We really appreciate all your input!

    Second, to answer your questions:

    1) The Real Estate Company we work for does target Hispanic buyers. My partner is bi-lingual. I am not. I only speak English. I guess we could use spanish in our tag line but I would not be much help to people.

    2) We believe our clients would say that we are reliable, trustworthy, honest, & aggressive. He have helped entry level buyers to million dollar home buyers.

    3) Our first names are Erika & Jessica. I am in the process of getting my brokers license and would like to open up my own office one day. Erika & I hope to be partners for a long time.

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you to all that attempted to help. After answering your questions and getting no response, I am going to close this questions. Again, thank you.

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