
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Silk Floral, Mural & Home Decor Store

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have been doing floral's & home decor for many years in my area under just my name. I started doing murals & fine art also. I had a store in a mall for 18 years. I had to close it four years ago because we moved. I am back in area & planning a new store. Naming it is driving me crazy! Some think I should still use my name.[I had a good following.] I want something new, more interesting. I feel my talent is bringing warmth, color,ambience,style and life to a home. Any suggestions on a name?I wanted to name it Ambience,but most people say they don't know what that means. Help!
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  • Posted on Member
    I like your choice of name. You could call it
    "Ambience Home Decor and Floral"

    I suggest you go to and do a quick search of domain names and see what is taken, they give suggestions for what is not taken, and you can play with their site for free. When you find a name you like remember to grab the domaine name for a website.

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for responding so quick!
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    As a minimum, "Home Ambiance", or build on your name: April's Home Ambiance. However, "ambiance" isn't a strong benefit: it's the way something feels. Consider, "The Loving Home" or "Decorate With Love", etc.
  • Posted by EnvisionTheNew on Accepted
    Ambiance is a great evocative name. Evocative names have wonderful long-term branding potential because you can associate any values with it that you want. An evocative name can truly stand out.

    You will want to make it concrete with a great tag line. For example:

    *The art and decor of the distinctive home*

    The idea here is to address a felt need of your target client - to achieve the status that comes with having a distinctive home - and tie it to your skill in creating it. Since this is a store, this naming also fits with a store where items will be on display.

    Although people don't know what Ambiance is, no one will ever see your name separate from other branding elements or touch points. As long as you create a consistant Ambiance story, you will do well.

    I would love to see how you are going to set up your store to tell the Ambiance story. For example, you could showcase looks you created for clients. Each could be branded:

    Brie's Ambiance
    Jennifer's Ambiance
    Justin's Ambiance

    I would plan to do an announcement letter to all your former clients telling them about your store opening and the story behind the name.

    You do face one challenge. There is an adult store at Its more of an amped up Victoria's Secret. You can handle that by going with or a similar phrasing, however you will have to recognize that people might still get to the wrong location.

    Best of luck!
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Another suggestion: Love Your Home!
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Member
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