
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name Of Feminine Boutique

Posted by Anonymous on 350 Points
I'm looking for a name for my boutique in development. It will cater to urban 25 - 40 year olds and focus on being feminine and pretty, but not 'extreme girly'. It's geared for professional women who rock power suits but want a softer side at another time or to mix it up at work or elsewhere.

There will be a clothing, accessories, makeup and jewelry in a mix of trendy and classic. However, no racks of jeans, tailored suits or formal dresses.....mainly casual to casually elegant. Some pink but also a palette of colors, fabrics, trimmings and embellishments. Price range is reasonable to moderable but not uber-expensive.

Would like a name with a feminine tone, but not too saccharine. Ideally short and sweet. Thought of the usual 'pink' stuff such as 'Belle', 'Blush', 'Bliss', 'Femme Corner', 'AquaBella' as well some less 'sweet' stuff like 'Suite92', 'Sanctuary' and ' Maven'. However, nothing has stuck as yet.

Would love to hear your suggestions.
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    How about?: The Feminine Boutique

    Yeah I know -- sounds generic in scope, but it could work with the right branding design and marketing.

    Think about it.
  • Posted on Member
    Zoe....means life in Greek.
  • Posted on Member
    How about Gemini? Two sides/twins--power suit switching to casually elegant.

    Or Transitionz--as in from day to night

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Femi9 (Femi+nine)
    The Whole Package (Boutique)
    Soften Your Edge
    For Your Softer Side
  • Posted on Author
    Love the suggestions so far, particularly Dai and Femi9. Never thought about those. I like an unusual twist on a normal word or phrase. 'The Feminine Boutique' isn't growing on me as yet but I'm thinking about it. It does have something there. Whenever I say it, something clicks a little, but not yet for me to go YES!. There is such a fine line in naming of this sort so as to not be too cutesy, too boring or too wild esp as my target group may be eclectic in how they express their 'softer side' either being showy or subtle.
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member


    Women's Tailoring


    Cityminx (citiminx)





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