
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Tag-line For New Software Product

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Our company manufacturers software for the fast lube industry and we are releasing a new product called 'Dashboard.' The product's front end display resembles a car's dashboard with different dials and gauges presenting various amounts of information regarding a fast lube's performance. Along with the Dashboard look, our product relies on a color-coded display used throughout the product to determine store performance. Red being poor performance, yellow being near the desired performance, and green being excellent performance.

I need ideas for a tag line as we prepare to introduce this product through print ads in various industry magazines. Preferably a tag line consisting of a few words or a short phrase is what I am looking for. I would also love to hear any advertisement ideas/themes I could use for this product.

Thanks in advance for your time.
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  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member
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  • Posted on Author
    Pat, you are right. Our product will be used by our customers to track the individual and collective performance of their fast lube chain. The product will show information needed by owners to track their sales statistics, employee productivity, etc. Our competitors have products that provide this information as well, but they aren't in real-time (printed at the end of each day) and are printed on text reports that are not easy on the eye.

    What sets this product apart from our competitors is that it will display all of this information in real-time, allowing our customers to make educated business decisions on the fly. Not only will owners be able to see it, but each individual store will be able to compare their performance to other store within the chain promoting friendly competition.

    I like your idea of marketing this product as the "finely tuned sports car" or "luxury car" of our industry. Let me know if you have any further ideas.

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