
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Name For New Event Planning Business

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I am trying to start up a high end event planning business. I will be doing corporate and private events. Anything from golf outings, to conferences, to weddings, fundraisers and upscale birthday bashes.
I need a name that sounds classy, but gets the point across that this is for event planning.

The right name is so important to me, because it is the first impression. I am big on "branding" so I want to choose the right name, then plaster it on EVERYTHING!

I have to move quickly, because I have an interested investor NOW and need to get a website up and running ASAP. I can't do this without a name!
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Event Right.
    Fire Event Planning
  • Posted on Member
    Levon is right on with the "Fire Event" as my experience is that almost everyone waits until the last minute to get started.

    Black Tie Events
    Black Tie Planning
    Big Bang Occasions
    Dressed to the Nines
    Rest Assured (2 meanings!)
    Galavents, Gala-vents -your name isn't gail perchance is it? :)
    Just in time
    Jest in time

    Good Luck,
  • Posted on Author
    I love the Black Tie idea. I have been playing arouing with it myself. I was thinking "A Black Tie Affair"

    Any thoughts on that or any more suggestions?
  • Posted on Member
    Premiere Events
    --First-class planning


    Platinum Events
    --Fine event planning

  • Posted on Member
    Perfect Planning
    - for a memorial event

    Enchanting Events
    - Social Event Planning

    Events Euphoria
    - Planning for it all for you

    Eye-Opening Events
    - Party & Event Planning with Pizazz

    Fine-tuned Events
    - Planning and Facilitation

  • Posted on Author
    I love these ideas!

    I do like "An Affair to Remember"

    I also thought about "Enchanted Evening"
    Is that too confining? I want to make sure not to leave out the corporate market.

    I mentioned using the word "Distinction" in the name. A friend of mine suggested "Events of Distinction"
    Any thoughts on that? Too generic? Does that spark any other ideas?

    I also thought of trying to use the word "Elegance" somewhere in the name. Anyone have a spin on that?
  • Posted on Author
    If it helps anyone with ideas. I will be working out of downtown Indianapolis, IN.

    It would be cool to have the "Downtown" persona reflected in the name.
  • Posted on Member
    Classic Fetes
    Whipple Events - never hurts to have your name in it
    Glass Slipper Events
    Exquisite Events
    Grace Galas
    Hip Happenings
  • Posted on Author
    Everyone's ideas are great. I'm kind of playing around putting some of them together

    Keep 'em coming! :-)
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Christy-I just posted a similar forum & realized we're both starting up event planning businesses. I'm in NJ so luckily we're not in the same market :-). I would be interested in talking more with you to bounce ideas off of one another for starting up this type of business if you are interested as well. If so, please email me at

    Also, for some names you might like. Events in the City (since you wanted to try to incorporate a downtown feel) or Events About Town. I will not be using either of these as my audience is a little different. Good Luck!
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Christy,
    I have so many thoughts for you I don't know where to start...

    I'm a Certified Wedding Coordinator so I've also given this kind of thing a lot of thought. First I'll give you ideas based on what I've heard you saying and then I'll give my two cents :)

    -Distinct Occasion ( is avail)
    -Uptown Events -My city calls 'downtown' Uptown...just a slight difference but gives a more elegant feel to it.
    -Elegant Affairs
    -Ultimate Affairs
    -Engaging Events is my thought.

    When I was naming my event planning company I made of list of companies that have been very successful with the upper-end market. Stores like Tiffany's & Co., Burberry, & Coach came to mind along with many others. The companies that made the list are successful with high-end clients not because of the name but because of their branding. -obviously the names mean a lot now, but if Tiffany's chose a different name it would be that name we'd all love.

    You can take anything and make it upper-end with the design of your logo & website, as well as your location itself & basically anything else visual. My official name is a word that I love to use. It has two meanings and both fit the target market & company itself. All of my printed materials are printed on the best of the best, everything is done just so. suggestion is to find a word you would like to incorporate and run with it...

    You mentioned 'Elegance'. You could use that alone (although I'm not sure how fitting it would be with the corporate end of things) and use your tagline for clarification regarding the event aspect.

    ~Fountain Event Design & Management~
    For this I'd see you branding two companies and you could have either two separate URLs (one for corporate and one for private events) or the main URL could have two options for clicking depending on the client's needs (again one corp. and one priv.)

    Corporate branding:
    Use the image of a fountain pen. This is something that upper execs take pride in and will pay a lot for -it has become a status symbol for them.

    Private event/wedding branding:
    Use the image of a beautiful garden fountain that you would find on an estate.

    In my experience, I think you'll need two company identities depending on the market. What works for brides & private clients doesn't attract the corporate world & vise versa.

    Anyway, just my two cents :)
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Member
    Plan It Earth
    Elegant Experiences

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