
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Virtual Business

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am starting out as a Virtual Assistant, but am stuck in the mud over a tagline...
Company name is Time on Task (with Virtual Assistant Services attached but not featured)
Premise of my business is every minute I work, and bill, is time spent dedicated on the client's task -- not drinking coffee, checking emails and office chitchatting.

Primarily I am working for small business owners who need admin support and hiring a VA is more economical than hiring a full or part time office person. Contract work at higher per hour fee actually costs less than paying and supporting an employee when you factor in benefits and paying for "wasted time" (not to say that every employee wastes time on the job, but that is part of life)

Have thrown around a few lines like:
minute by minute, helping you work smarter
we make the most of your workday

But feel like they do not have enough oomph!
Any suggestions?
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  • Posted by mdlugozima on Member
    I'm working the minute you call me.
    I'll get on it the minute you call.
    I work hard because I have no one to gossip with.
    I'm on the clock and ready to rock.
    We put in a full day.
    The only people we talk to is you.
    We stay productive.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Saving Your Business Both Time and Money
    Minutely Aware Of Your Needs
    100% Focused On Your Business
  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    Timely Assistance: Easy and Accurate
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member
    Up to the minute service

    Just what you need and no more

    Spot on assistance

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all for sending in some suggestions...unfortunately nothing really stood out for me out of all those taglines either.
    I have it in my mind that I did not want to use certain words like time and money nor success and business so I am limiting myself. I really appreciate your taking the time to try and help.
    I guess I am still leaning towards - minute by minute, helping you work smarter. Which makes reference to the saying - work smarter not harder - which is why I was hesitating on it - but am thinking that since it is not referring to the entire saying maybe it will work.
    Thanks again,

  • Posted by jpoyer on Accepted
    Different angle from the aspect of getting things done when you don't have enough hands to complete all the tasks you have before you ... when you are in a continual state of virtual constipation.

    Just say no to bottlenecks
    So you can do what ONLY YOU can do

    Good luck,

    Jennifer P.
    XPRT Creative
  • Posted on Member
    I help my clients create their tag lines. IMO, yours must have something to somehow denote who your ideal client is.

    Here is a basic first exercise in the tagline. Helping _ideal client profile here ___ to do _what is the end result your client wants to achieve____

    Sometimes we need to do in business what we need to do to attract clients who pay us the most amount of money in the least amount of time. Example: When I visit a website I want to know how you're going to help me and what you're going to help me accomplish and what's it cost. However, my ideal clients aren't like me at all. So for them I have photo's all over my website although I couldn't care less about photos or graphics.

    IMO, when you create your tag line -- it's about creating something that attracts your ideal clients. If you were my client, and did some tag line exercises, the words business, saving time, being more successful are just a few of the words you'd come up with as you did the exercises to create a tag line.

    Some of my clients tag lines:

    building bigger, better businesses -- faster
    we fix financial messes
    making business memorable

    IMO the best tag lines are about the client.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you everyone for your ideas and help!

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