
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Name For My Event Planning Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am trying to come up with a witty name for my event planning company. I think it should have the word events inthe title for internet search purposes. I would like something witty or maybe even a play on words. My company will handle all types of events, weddings, birthday parties etc so I want to appeal to a large market of people. Additionally, I plan to host my own social gathering events for singles or professionals or for networking purposes under this same company name. Thanks for any suggestions!
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Event Cracker
  • Posted on Accepted
    Go on "Go Daddy" and use their smart search on domains. Put in a keyword and it will think of all sorts of company names. I then used it to see if the domains were also available.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    These domain names are available:
  • Posted on Member

    Maybe I need more coffee, but here's my 2 cents:

    Plan A-Wed

    I would go with "Ragers by Raquel", but only because it's not my company.
  • Posted by michael on Member

    If you have experience and are already well known, use your name in the title. You want your experience to be your brand.


  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the suggestions so far.

    No I wouldn't say I'm well known with anyone beyond my family & friends for planning events. Prior to starting on my own I worked within a large corporation doing events.

    I thought about using my name but thought that would make me appear too small next to larger event planning companies.

    Do others think using my name makes it appear more personable or too small of a business?

    Here are some that were recommended to me:
    Social Butterfly Events
    Soiree Events
    Series of Events
    Events About Town

    So far I dont think any of these are really grabbing me. I appreciate any other suggestions!
  • Posted on Member

    How about Event Genie?

    Also, I realize you didn't ask for help on this, but I would strongly recommend that you narrow your focus to just one kind of event (or events that are related) rather than trying to go in so many different directions. It's tough to go fishing if you don't know what kind of fish you want to catch, where to find them, and what kind of tackle/equipment you need. The message/marketing for professional events would be very different from the marketing for weddings, for instance.
  • Posted on Author
    Great ideas! Keep em coming! I still don't think I have the right name yet but am playing around with a few to see if they work.

    JKaplan-I agree with what you are saying however starting out, I prefer to be more broad & focus on special occassion events. I am definitely not getting involved in corporate, non-profit or political parties & am not focusing my company around weddings because I prefer not to do wedding planning. I want a more general planning company that will do kids parties, showers, special occassions etc.

    Under this same company name, I am going to host networking/singles/social gathering events in my area. That is really what I wanted my inital comany to be but didnt want to pingeon hole myself so I broadened it to say I will also plan your own event if you'd like me to. So I need something more general.
  • Posted on Author
    Does anyone have any new suggestions? I can really use your help! I've been stuck for almost 2 weeks on just a company name! Thanks again!
  • Posted on Author
    Since there haven't been any new posts I am going to close this now.

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