
Topic: Taglines/Names

Award-winning Homebuilder Seeking New Tag Line

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am a partner in a custom homebuilding company in Kansas City. I handle all of the sales and marketing for the company, but the marketing and advertising duties are probably a little outside the realm of my expertise. We are too small to justify using an ad agency, although I wish we could.

We build some amazing homes for our customers and we've recently been fortunate enough to win two prestigious local awards and one national award for a home we recently built. We run a monthly ad in one of the local home and living magazines and we want to publicize these awards. I have a great ad designed with each of the awards listed with a beautiful picture of the home, but I need a good tag line. I'm tempted to say something simple like "Your award-winning homebuilder" but that sounds so cliche and boring. I thought about "Our awards speak for themselves" but that is weak and sounds like we are bragging. If anyone can help me think of something catchy, but not braggy, memorable, but not cheesy, I would be forever grateful. To the consumer, I want to get the point across that our experience and quality has been recognized with numerous awards and for that reason we should build your next home.
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    I would never include award winning in the tagline focus on a tagline that exemplifies who you are not what you won.
  • Posted by adrienne.garland on Accepted
    How about something like...

    Winning awards is great, really. But a satisfied homeowner is what makes us proud.

    Or something similar - you get the idea....
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    We Prize Beautiful Homes
    Can We Create Your Prize Home?
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Member
    Our awards. Your reward.
    Let us build an award-winning home for you.
    We've built our reputation on quality.
    We hope you'll like our work too.
  • Posted on Member
    Your home. Our Pride
  • Posted on Member
    We make your vision into a reality

    Our reputation is built on our customer's satisfaction
  • Posted on Member
    Building dreams to last with Quality & Experience
    or just
    Building dreams with Quality & Experience

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