
Topic: Taglines/Names

The Fantastic Cleaning Crew

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I need a tagline for my business I want to start up. I'm trying to work on some flyers and I need a tagline to go with my name, The Fantastic Cleaning Crew. Can someone please help?
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    Put the Fantasic Crew to work in your world
  • Posted on Member
    More Than A Tagline!

    It's a whirlwind, It's a tornado, NO It's...
    The Fantastic Cleaning Crew!

    When you need to "stretch" your budget so that it is "invisible" on your bank account call "The Fantastic Cleaning Crew" We will destroy evil dirt & grime as quick as "flash"! From the boardroom to the "Johnny" you will find us to be just the "thing"! Our Fantastic Four step cleaning process will have your realm bright and sparkling! Just call The Fantastic Cleaning Crew!

    (Sorry, I thought of the Fantastic Four as soon as I saw your request! It does sound better with that stereotypical announcer voice. Ask for a tag line and get a silly radio spot.)

    Good Luck & Good Fun,


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