
Topic: Taglines/Names

Catchy Business Name

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Help, I need to come up with a catchy business name for a customer service consulting company and I am stumped. Any ideas that would be good for marketing and get people interested since this is a brand new consulting company?
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    Without knowing your target market, I don't know that you want to make it too "catchy."

    I'm thinking that a business that needs customer service consulting is probably a little larger, so you're dealing with people who have a certain expectation about who they do business with. I don't think you want to be too "cute" with your name.

    Why not just "Customer Service Consulting, Inc.?"

    Little doubt about what your business does when you say that name...

  • Posted on Accepted

    A more detailed description of the company could help, however here are some suggestions:

    - WE
    - PART (People ART)
    - CARE (not so original but...)
    - Ask
    - Compass

    However the name is only a small fraction of what get people interested in your business. It is way you do things, the way you communicate them, the way you appear and express, it is about who you are, where you are what you do and how you do it that matters. No catchy name can give you that.

  • Posted on Accepted
    try this:

    Smart Connect


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